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"When exactly does the “new day” start? Gardevoir should’ve came back with coins" "When exactly does the “new day” start? Gardevoir should’ve came back with coins" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 23:53 Rating: 5
"PSA: Increased wingull spawns live in Brisbane, Australia now. 1am Aest" "PSA: Increased wingull spawns live in Brisbane, Australia now. 1am Aest" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 23:53 Rating: 5
"I've been making Pokémon in LEGO Digital Designer, here is the 5th one + a Time Gear from Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Explorers" "I've been making Pokémon in LEGO Digital Designer, here is the 5th one + a Time Gear from Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Explorers" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 23:28 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"[OC] Kommo-o in the Mountains" "[OC] Kommo-o in the Mountains" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 23:28 Rating: 5
"All your dreams of millions of damage are dead. The damage cap is really only 65535." "All your dreams of millions of damage are dead. The damage cap is really only 65535." Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 23:28 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"Rhyperior x Shiny Mega Charizard Y" "Rhyperior x Shiny Mega Charizard Y" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 23:28 Rating: 5
"First attempt at customized Unown Tablet. Would greatly appreciate feedback!!" "First attempt at customized Unown Tablet. Would greatly appreciate feedback!!" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 23:28 Rating: 5
"Flew 7000 Miles to meet my 2 year old Nephew for the first time to create this" "Flew 7000 Miles to meet my 2 year old Nephew for the first time to create this" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 23:28 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"Elementary my dear Wattson 🤗" "Elementary my dear Wattson 🤗" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 23:28 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"Moltres Raid Day Graphic" "Moltres Raid Day Graphic" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 23:02 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"Today I've went to Mt.Vesuvius" "Today I've went to Mt.Vesuvius" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 23:02 Rating: 5
"Calcy IV used a TON of data. Anyone else notice this or have an idea why?" "Calcy IV used a TON of data. Anyone else notice this or have an idea why?" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 22:48 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"[Photo] Never seen a wild Eeveelution before" "[Photo] Never seen a wild Eeveelution before" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 22:22 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"[Screenshot] I was just happy with my one perfect eevee" "[Screenshot] I was just happy with my one perfect eevee" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 22:22 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"Pro Tip: Keep 3 Sunstones for the future" "Pro Tip: Keep 3 Sunstones for the future" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 22:22 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"[Screenshot] Lucky Shiny Legendary!" "[Screenshot] Lucky Shiny Legendary!" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 22:22 Rating: 5
"Niantic References Two Smaller Scale Pokémon GO events in the near future in collaboration with some of their partners at the Knight Foundation." "Niantic References Two Smaller Scale Pokémon GO events in the near future in collaboration with some of their partners at the Knight Foundation." Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 21:53 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"Get ready, Trainers! The next round of Professor Willow's #GlobalChallenge starts soon! Work together to complete Field Research tasks with Trainers in your region to unlock Stardust-themed bonuses for everyone around the world!" "Get ready, Trainers! The next round of Professor Willow's #GlobalChallenge starts soon! Work together to complete Field Research tasks with Trainers in your region to unlock Stardust-themed bonuses for everyone around the world!" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 20:58 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"[AR Shot] Guardian of the Forest" "[AR Shot] Guardian of the Forest" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 20:12 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"Catching Celebi Without AR" "Catching Celebi Without AR" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 19:58 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"FINALLY, I got my first one!" "FINALLY, I got my first one!" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 19:12 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"Celebi’s Sprite in the Collection is Extremely Small" "Celebi’s Sprite in the Collection is Extremely Small" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 18:58 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"Updated Moltres Raid Guide" "Updated Moltres Raid Guide" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 18:38 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"Castform candy changed!" "Castform candy changed!" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 17:38 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"I made a fire, bug type Beautifly" "I made a fire, bug type Beautifly" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 16:08 Rating: 5
"[Suggestion] I'd really like to be able to use AR mode on Pokémon we've caught" "[Suggestion] I'd really like to be able to use AR mode on Pokémon we've caught" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 15:57 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"[Discussion] In Pokemon, the most unique and rare Pokemon are only found far away from cities, or in unusual areas. In PokemonGO, rare and unusual pokemon are ONLY found in cities, in common areas. It's backwards." "[Discussion] In Pokemon, the most unique and rare Pokemon are only found far away from cities, or in unusual areas. In PokemonGO, rare and unusual pokemon are ONLY found in cities, in common areas. It's backwards." Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 13:47 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"Transformation in progress [glitch]" "Transformation in progress [glitch]" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 13:13 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"Unown spawing Atlanta for dragoncon" "Unown spawing Atlanta for dragoncon" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 11:58 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"Can't get hurt if you can't get hit [OC]" "Can't get hurt if you can't get hit [OC]" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 10:38 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"In-game News: Global Challenge - 3x Catch & 2x Hatch Stardust" "In-game News: Global Challenge - 3x Catch & 2x Hatch Stardust" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 09:08 Rating: 5
"I built Life-Size Pokemon! (Mewtwo, Decidueye and Houndoom join the team!)" "I built Life-Size Pokemon! (Mewtwo, Decidueye and Houndoom join the team!)" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 08:58 Rating: 5
"I was expecting something like a Dratini from my 10 km egg, but I got something way better..." "I was expecting something like a Dratini from my 10 km egg, but I got something way better..." Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 07:47 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"Top 10 Moltres Counters" "Top 10 Moltres Counters" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 06:48 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"Ultra Bonus will be announced September 10th" "Ultra Bonus will be announced September 10th" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 06:48 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"Puppers and doggos! ✨" "Puppers and doggos! ✨" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 04:17 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"Flygon Design from my "Rare Candy" design Set. [OC]" "Flygon Design from my "Rare Candy" design Set. [OC]" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 03:23 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"All Unown caught at Yokosuka with Celebi" "All Unown caught at Yokosuka with Celebi" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 02:58 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"Pikachu parade in Japan" "Pikachu parade in Japan" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 02:13 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"Torterra x Giratina 😊" "Torterra x Giratina 😊" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 02:13 Rating: 5
"Why you no longer see people playing PokemonGO in the streets - OC" "Why you no longer see people playing PokemonGO in the streets - OC" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 02:07 Rating: 5
"[v0.117.2] The game still scans your internal storage for root related folders even when permission is denied" "[v0.117.2] The game still scans your internal storage for root related folders even when permission is denied" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 01:53 Rating: 5
"The nearby should prioritise evolved Pokémon, regardless of whether you have one or not" "The nearby should prioritise evolved Pokémon, regardless of whether you have one or not" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 01:53 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"[OC] Träiner, I reqüire the püffs" "[OC] Träiner, I reqüire the püffs" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 01:13 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"[Complaint] Fsu able to spoof into event untouched" "[Complaint] Fsu able to spoof into event untouched" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 00:52 Rating: 5
"FYI: Niantic decreased the number of raid passes in the ultra box" "FYI: Niantic decreased the number of raid passes in the ultra box" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 00:52 Rating: 5
"Finally finished the board I was working on, thought I'd share on here for everyone to see. :)" "Finally finished the board I was working on, thought I'd share on here for everyone to see. :)" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 00:13 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"Finally Got Around To Making This Animated Quagsire" "Finally Got Around To Making This Animated Quagsire" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 00:13 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"Sceptile art" "Sceptile art" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 23:28 Rating: 5
"Ive Been making Pokémon in LEGO Digital Designer. Heres the second one I made, Mimikyu + Shiny Mimikyu" "Ive Been making Pokémon in LEGO Digital Designer. Heres the second one I made, Mimikyu + Shiny Mimikyu" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 23:28 Rating: 5
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