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"Hey fellow travelers! Let's help each other super simply!"

#PokemonGO: Friendly reminder!!!!! 🤗🤗🤗 If you encounter a friendly gym where another player was so awesome as to prestige it up before continuing their travels, which also opens one or two slots that I bet you're going to occupy with one of your Pokemon, please don't dump and run! Even if you don't prestige it up to the next level, train it up a couple times minimum so it encourages the next teammate to actually build it up and not move past it. Just simply leaving your monster in an already open slot, technically, doesn't dramatically strengthen that gym nor help anyone on your team except yourself and won't make that gym stay any longer.After all, someone else was an awesome teammate and did that work for you! And with the new machenics, low level gyms stand zero chance lasting more than an hour. So even if you're not building it enough to open a slot, you're still helping yourself and your team to hold on longer! It may not be something we think about trying to get our spots playing but it is definitely something we need to be aware of if we're playing long term.This morning I'm a tiny bit frustrated after spending 15 minutes prestiging up the only gym I see on my map from my house, that's a 5 minute walk mind you, two whole levels only to see a dump and run by fellow teammates that regularly play in my neighborhood. Trainers who would've taken the gym without me and have spent equal or more time taking it down and back up.There's no point to power up high cp defenders to insure high gym slots if there's no high level gyms, amIright?-signed, a fellow traveler from Beantown via /r/TheSilphRoad
"Hey fellow travelers! Let's help each other super simply!" "Hey fellow travelers! Let's help each other super simply!" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 03:01 Rating: 5

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