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"If Niantic gave every Pokémon good STAB moves, would it have an impact on the state of the game?"

#PokemonGO: Realistically the answer is no. There will always be a #1 Pokémon for each type, specially in a system where the battles are so basic and no abilities & move variations exist, AND no tiers.There are Uber Pokémon like Kyogre which is expected to remain the number 1 water attacker in the game forever.Then we have the Curious Case of Ho-Oh, which Niantic seems to have been on the line about not knowing what to do with it. At the time of its release, it was the only offensive Uber in the game, so they decided to give it garbage fast attacks as a strange way of 'balancing' it, resulting in Ho-Oh becoming a Fighting-slayer only.Having said that, if Niantic woke up tomorrow and decided to give every Pokémon some good STAB moves, would it make a difference?For efficiency perfectionists, the answer is no it won’t. But for people who enjoy playing the game as a game, it would make a huge difference; I for one would love a double rock Aerodactyl and Kabutops. Yes they’re not as good as legacy Omastar or even Golem, but I don’t mind. I just don’t understand why Niantic decided to make some Pokémon useless when it comes to the moves they learn, specially when they’re already held back by their stats.Thoughts? What are some of your favourites that you just can’t seem to use? via /r/TheSilphRoad
"If Niantic gave every Pokémon good STAB moves, would it have an impact on the state of the game?" "If Niantic gave every Pokémon good STAB moves, would it have an impact on the state of the game?" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 18:20 Rating: 5

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