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"Suggestion: Make Tier 4/5s soloable, but less rewards/lower level boss"

#PokemonGO: I think I'm not alone in that one of my least favorite parts about the game is relying on others, coordinating with people to do the big raids, or standing around waiting doing nothing/people think I'm loitering(I want to keep GOing!) hoping someone shows up. raids have basically taken over the endgame content now that gyms have become baby'd and for solo playersIt would be cool if Tier 4/5s had an option of being done solo(even if it was extremely hard and only possible with certain weather boosts and maxed out pokemon), but the payoff would be that the raid boss would be level 5 or so(?) instead of the usual 20 or boosted 25. Less rewards as well.The research tasks is definetly helping rural/solo players get legendaries, but just catching it isn't nearly as exciting as soloing would be and provides another alternative. Soloing 3's is my favorite part of the game, just wish there was a bigger variety and that Tier 3s were more common. via /r/TheSilphRoad
"Suggestion: Make Tier 4/5s soloable, but less rewards/lower level boss" "Suggestion: Make Tier 4/5s soloable, but less rewards/lower level boss" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 19:47 Rating: 5

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