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"I have a fear of powering up good pokémon due to potentially better non-TMable future exclusive moves. Here's a simple way to fix that."

#PokemonGO: TL;DR: Make better moves on returning pokémon TMable through raids is all I'm saying here. Complete the raid and you can change the outclassed move on the same species you battled for the better move. Also a great, great idea.Let's look at zapdos for example. For a short brief time (about one month I believe) it was the best electric type attacker in the game until raikou replaced it and it's been the same ever since. But then a few months ago Niantic went ahead and decided to bring it back with an even better fast move which left many of us very upset (understatement, we were PISSED) since we poured hundreds of candies, loads of dust, blood and sweat on an obsolete model that we couldn't TM. It's still 2nd ti raikou but we should still be able to have the best one available. I understand that this sort of thing will happen but there should be a way where we can get that move on our invested pokémon that doesn't hurt their business which we support.I get that they want us to go out and raid for them instead of just TMing the old move for a better one but they're going about it the wrong way here. The smart play for me I believe would be for us to earn the exclusive move on our older pokémon as a reward by raiding for them instead. Maybe an Exclusive TM perhaps where you will be guaranteed to get the move each time you raid its better counterpart.I don't want to see the same thing happen when mewtwo, groudon or kyogre come back. This sort of bad business practice makes me fearful of powering up anything at this point. Groudon right now has earthquake which is horrible IMO and it will be severely outclassed by precipice blades. There goes my 98% with earthquake. Mewtwo will come back again and probably with psystrike that could get buffed. There goes your 100% with psychic. Make them TMable through raids is all I'm saying here. via /r/pokemongo
"I have a fear of powering up good pokémon due to potentially better non-TMable future exclusive moves. Here's a simple way to fix that." "I have a fear of powering up good pokémon due to potentially better non-TMable future exclusive moves. Here's a simple way to fix that." Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 23:06 Rating: 5

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