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"Help us test expansions of the Bubblestrat: Oddish seems to work, and if so Mud Slap Diglett should work...share results here!"

#PokemonGO: EDIT: Oddish confirmed to work as attacker! Details below, video here:, now that we've blown the lid on this thing, I wanted to centralize some of the attempts to expand Bubblestrat beyond the Pokemon we confirmed it with./u/Ponea was able to confirm and prove the technique working with a specific Level 1 Oddish (CP13, low IVs of (6/6/0) and a Level 2 Horsea CP27 with extremely low IVs of (1/2/2). Here is his video proof! could expand the technique's reach to people without access to Diglett.Our raw math suggested that the 2 Razor Leaves required to by Oddish to kill the Horsea in question would take too long by a small fraction of a second. If, in fact, the second Razor Leaf is able to hit consistently, then this opens up quite a few new possibilities for the Bubblestrat.A Lvl 1.5 10CP Mud Slap Diglett can also do 10+ damage per hit and can complete in the same time as Razor Leaf, so in theory if Razor Leaf can hit twice, Mud Slap should be able to hit twice, so Mud Slap Digglet could be added to the fold.This can also serve as a place for people to confirm less-optimal versions of the particular ones that allow for the 500+XP bonus without taking any damage but don't allow for the full thousand, though specimens that can do the full thousand are obviously most desireable.The following is a list of promising specimens that ought to have a chance of working. We would love your help testing (preferably with video evidence!) Any confirmation with evidence you make will be credited to you when we update the site!:CONFIRMED - Level 1 Oddish @ 13CP (will require a very low IV Level 2 Horsea (or one that you power up to Level 2).NEEDS TESTING - Level 1.5 10CP Mud Slap Diglett (almost certainly will work, just need proof)NEEDS TESTING - A Level 1 Vine Whip Bulbasaur should be able to work in 2 ways. First is with IVs so low that she is at 11CP, and can fight into a near-max IV Level 1.5 Horsea with 22-23CP. Also, a Level 1 Bulbasaur up to 13CP against a Level 2 Horsea with mediocre or low defense somewhere around 27-30CP. Other IV variants can work for slightly less than the 1000 Prestige bonus.NEEDS TESTING - A very low IV Vine Whip Bellsprout around 13CP should beat the same Lvl 2 Horsea mentioned above.NEEDS TESTING - Level 1 10CP Pound Jigglypuff ought to work if she can get 5 pounds in (which she should!)NEEDS TESTING - Level 1 10CP Spark Magnemite? Maybe? (Would again require a super weak Horsea lvl 1.5)** via /r/TheSilphRoad
"Help us test expansions of the Bubblestrat: Oddish seems to work, and if so Mud Slap Diglett should work...share results here!" "Help us test expansions of the Bubblestrat: Oddish seems to work, and if so Mud Slap Diglett should work...share results here!" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 18:44 Rating: 5

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