"Lack of potions at Pokestops in a suburban location means I can no longer contest gyms effectively - anyone else have this problem?"
#PokemonGO: Here is my squad of Pokemon: http://ift.tt/2aQg2cq (I'm level 23)As you can see, most of them are either completely out of health or have health missing, meaning I cannot place them at gyms I find and beat. Walking around hitting pokestops in my town gives me hardly any potions (aside from essentially useless 20hp pots) and consequently the build up of injured pokemon in my team has meant that unless I walk around for a few days not hitting any gyms (no defender bonus ¬_¬) I can no longer hold or battle gyms in the same way I used to be able to. This has been bothering me for a few days now.1) Are Niantic planning on introducing a Pokecentre feature to heal pokemon?2) Is anyone else experiencing this problem?Really seems that either the potion drop rate needs increasing or hospitals need to be introduced as this is really reducing the amount of fun I can have playing the game.EDIT - Some good advice from CptnSAUS: Use a "zombie army" of your low IV mons to attack gyms while preserving your good pokemon to defend once you beat the gym.EDIT2 - 0Pat0: Practice your dodging when battling, it will help you preserve your pokemon HP and mean you're in a better position with potions post-fight. via /r/TheSilphRoad http://ift.tt/2aOFR9n
"Lack of potions at Pokestops in a suburban location means I can no longer contest gyms effectively - anyone else have this problem?"
Reviewed by The Pokémonger
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