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"I incorporated each Pokémon's Speed stat into GO and updated their rankings on u/Professor_Kukui's spreadsheet."

#PokemonGO: Hey y'all, Nick from Trainer Tips here. Some of you may have already seen my video today where I suggested a way for Niantic to incorporate speed stats in a meaningful way. I just wanted to post my suggestions and data here to get a conversation going and see how you guys feel about it. (The video, for those interested.)As we all know, Pokémon who relied on their speed in the main series games got completely nerfed when Niantic converted stats for Pokémon GO.To give these Pokémon a bit of a boost, I figured out a way to use their speed stats without changing the current Atk/Def formulas. My solution (and one that I've seen suggested by others) is to use their speed stat to modify the speed of their attack animations in battle. I created a "speed modifier" for each Pokémon by comparing their speed stat to average speed (70). The formula is simple:Speed Modifier = √(Base Spd/70) This gives you a modifier which would be applied to each Pokémon's attack animations. If the Pokémon's speed is above average, it attacks faster. If it's below average, it attacks slower.I applied the Speed Modifier to each Pokémon's attack speed in /u/Professor_Kukui's spreadsheet and updated their Gym Offense and Duel Ability rankings with the new damage. The changes worked as expected. Fast Pokémon like Alakazam, Gengar, and Jolteon rose to the top of the Gym Offense rankings (at least with their best movesets), and slower Pokémon like Exeggutor fell down the list.Duel Ability is largely unaffected. The fast Pokémon don't rise up here because their defensive stats remain untouched. The exception is Snorlax, who loses a lot of offensive power with his abysmal 30 base speed.I didn't bother to recalculate Gym Defense rankings, since the Prof has admitted the calculations may not be entirely accurate. Besides, the goal is to restore these former offensive powerhouses to their main series glory.Here's the updated spreadsheet. I did all the calculations on the "Showing Work" tab, so that's where you can see the updated rankings. The main "Results" tab is still ranked according to the current stats in Pokémon GO so you can compare the two. If you find any errors in my math, please let me know! addition to buffing these Pokémon on offense, in the video I suggest applying the Speed Modifier to dodging to give them a slight defensive buff as well. By using this formula:Damage Reduction = (Spd Mod^0.5)*0.75 We get a modifier that can change the damage reduction of a successful dodge. This gives fast Pokémon a little more incentive to dodge without changing the way dodging currently works.Alakazam, with 120 base speed would reduce damage by 85% with a successful dodge. Snorlax, with 30 base speed, reduces damage by 60%. Flavorfully, a Pokémon that moves faster can avoid more of the incoming damage.All these changes are to further my belief that Pokémon should FEEL different. These changes help to create different "play styles". If you're like me and you dodge every attack, you'll want to use faster glass cannon types like Alakazam and Gengar. There's a higher risk-reward ratio at play, and pulling off successful dodges pays off much more than with other Pokémon. If you're the type who doesn't bother dodging and just spams your attacks at the enemy's face, you can use slower Pokémon like Lapras or Vaporeon who don't deal as much DPS as glass cannons, but can take a lot more hits while churning out their damage.It's my belief that every Pokémon should have their own function and purpose. With 151 of them, obviously they won't all be unique, but there should be a reason you want to choose one over the other. Type advantage is one reason, but when Vaporeon beats Jolteon, even that's not good enough. via /r/TheSilphRoad
"I incorporated each Pokémon's Speed stat into GO and updated their rankings on u/Professor_Kukui's spreadsheet." "I incorporated each Pokémon's Speed stat into GO and updated their rankings on u/Professor_Kukui's spreadsheet." Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 10:33 Rating: 5

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