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"UB-01 is/in Lillie's bag [Theory]"

Earlier, I was watching recent sun & moon trailer, until the Ultra Beast, UB-01, caught my eye (and a lot of other people's, no doubt). I looked through the comments to see there were people saying that UB-01 resembled Lillie. I then headed to the Pokemon S&M website in order to get some extra details about this new "pokemon". After reading UB-01's description, saying that it could shape shift and it's movements resembled a young girl's, I was sure that UB-01 was Lillie. I put the two pictures side by side to compare and matched each similarity, the hat, the hair, the colours. Wow! Game Freak couldn't make this more obvious! But, for whatever reason something seemed off.It was then I noticed the bag and remembered that something is living inside of the bag, this then made me ask again: whats in the bag? What if it was UB-01? It has shape shifting abilities, so it could easily fit in the bag if it transformed into something small, it could even be the bag itself!With this in mind, I watched the E3 Pokemon S&M demo, which is where we first learned that Lillie is hiding something in her bag, and if you listen carefully you can hear it's cry []. Now, I'm not sure if this is UB-01's cry at the end of the recent trailer [], but whether or not it is, it sounds almost exactly the same as Lillie's bag pokemon's cry only slowed down. What do you think?"But then why does UB-01 look like Lillie and move like a young girl?" I hear you ask. Well, I think it may be trying to mimic her appearance and movements to try and blend in with its surroundings, assuming that is how all beings in the world act and appear. Also, I don't think that it would suddenly jump out of this portal and suddenly take on this appearance of a little girl. Remember the pokemon heroes movie (I know, uncanonical, but hear me out) Latias who, for whatever reason could shape shift, imitated Bianca instead of transforming into a completely new person, or pokemon, for that matter. That was because Latias had this sort of best friend relationship with Bianca. And in the case of Lillie and her little bag friend, they're likely quite close,being strapped to one another for long periods of time.Now, here comes the theorizing for the plot. A lot of people have caught onto the Aether Foundation's president, Lusamine, the Team Skull enforcer, Gladion and Professor Kukui's assistant, Lillie, all having the same coloured hair and eyes. It doesn't take genius to figure out these three are blood related in some way. Then why are they all on different sides? Perhaps both Gladion and and Lillie are opposed to Aether's studying of Ultra Beasts. So Lillie then took UB-01 in an attempt to save it and went and hid as Professor Kukui's assistant on Mele Mele Island, her hiding could be the reason she isn't seen at the Aether paradise, in fear she will be caught. I suppose Gladion could've run off with Type:null, but I digress.Oh yeah! I just read that Lillie enjoys reading, so if UB-01 was Lillie, how could it even read, I very highly doubt that giant, threatening jellyfish, from some portal would've gone to school. Jellyfish don't even have brains, so how would they be able to remember languages and writing?So. What do you think?Wow. That was a lot more than I intended to write. If only I worked like this in school:PIn all seriousness, if you read all that ,thank you for giving the time of day (or night depending on where you live).In the unlikely event that this is true, I would just like to say, I told you so! via /r/pokemon
"UB-01 is/in Lillie's bag [Theory]" "UB-01 is/in Lillie's bag [Theory]" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 22:06 Rating: 5

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