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"Gamefreak is spying on me, literally (not figuratively) one in a million odds."

7 gens of loving pokemon, and vulpix has always been my favorite. See my username for proof. I get sun on release day so I can get alola form vulpix. I'm trying to skip as much as possible so once I get a vulpix, I can go back and explore the islands with it as my main. (I'm am ice type lover, and was insanely pumped when they announced her).So I make it to tapu village, hit a patch of grass.Boom, first pokemon is a vulpix! Sweet, I think, says it only has a 10% spawn chance so I was prepared to farm for a bit. I was confused by the star that appeared over it, and I got excited, but didn't know for sure what it meant and I didn't want to get my hopes up. I go to check it after the battle, and yup, it's a shiny (1/4000 the guy said, I guess they raised it from previous gens)! I can't believe it. That makes it a 1/40,000 chance as my first encounter in this area. But I figure I'll chain one with a better nature in the future, so while cool, I'll probably still have to replace her. I have to go to the poke center to check nature, apparently? So I go, and see "modest" staring at me! So with 25 natures, the odds of any given encounter was exactly 1 in 1,000,000 to be a shiny modest vulpix.I don't mean this as a shiny brag thread, especially as anyone can SOS into one now, but this is so absurdly unlikely that I'm a little freaked out, lol. This seems a little Too lucky...Any of you have something like this happen? Is it possible that they track on our 3ds what pokemon we favor? Since I've played X and OSAPPHIRE on this gameboy and played maxed out vulpixes on them both. via /r/pokemon
"Gamefreak is spying on me, literally (not figuratively) one in a million odds." "Gamefreak is spying on me, literally (not figuratively) one in a million odds." Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 22:28 Rating: 5

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