"I made a new CP and stats formula that will create a truly varied metagame. Niantic said they are listening to feedback, right?"

#PokemonGO: The new CP changes have been a step in the right direction by buffing a lot of Pokemon, but had several annoying side effects. Vaporeon is more powerful than ever, without a real counter and being relatively easy to get. Snorlax and Dragonite became marginally even stronger, and several underdogs got nerfed to oblivion. Seeing that Niantic is ready to make more changes to create a more balanced metagame, I have created new stats and CP formulas that will allow an extremely even experience and still akin to the games. Hopefully they are working in something similar, and they can get an idea or two from here.Here's a table of the top 22 Pokemon (not legendary) and their max. CP at level 40 using this new formula:PokemonMax. CPDragonite3237 CPGyarados3001 CPSnorlax2922 CPArcanine2836 CPVaporeon2831 CPJolteon2737 CPCharizard2754 CPAerodactyl2750 CPLapras2716 CPMachamp2706 CPRhydon2689 CPKangaskhan2686 CPTauros2685 CPVenusaur2683 CPPinsir2681 CPScyther2666 CPStarmie2664 CPBlastoise2655 CPTentacruel2638 CPMuk2629 CPFlareon2626 CPExeggutor2617 CPHere is the complete spreadsheet. It contains the basic list of new max. CP, the more advanced list with all the variables displayed, and the values for future generations.Here's an imgur album with the new metagame: http://ift.tt/2g7JCxc you can see, the list of Pokemon with the most stamina, attack and defense will not change, but the Metagame will have a lot of new good Pokemon with very high CP, without nerfing any other too significantly.My formulas have the following benefits:The most important: The CP will be distributed much more fairly, with almost 50 Pokemon going over 2500 CP. This will allow a lot more variety in gyms and people will have more freedom to power up favorites instead of the same 6 species.To further expand on this, CP Monsters that are Dragonite, Snorlax, Rhydon and Vaporeon get nerfed (without making them useless).CP no longer favors attack. CP is the center of gym defense, so it should represent the value of the Pokemon both for attacking and defending.Take Speed Stat into account the way it should, and minimizes the big impact of HP Stat without changing the Stamina PGo Value a lot.Will give Pokemon that should be equal in power similar CP. The three starter evolutions get a buff but have similar final CPs.Will also work for future generations. 2nd Gen will have a lot of new and powerful Pokemon, instead of only a new Tyranitar. Slaking gets a major nerf, going from 5000 CP to 3900 CP.This are the cons:Slightly nerfs Alakazam (2597 Max. CP, 5% nerf). However, Alakazam is a terrible Pokemon for Defense and the new CP acknowledges it. He still has the second highest Attack (behind Mewtwo).Significantly nerfs Exeguttor (2617 Max. CP, 10% nerf). Exeguttor is not really meant to be one of the most powerful Pokemon though. He still has a very high CP, and honestly the issue with Grass and Poison types is that they depended on status on the original games.New CP Formula does not benefit Attack Stat anymore, since the Combat Power is not used exclusively to measure Attack. In fact, CP is the key stat for Gym Defense, so it should be reflected this way. It goes like this:CP=√Atk*√Def*√Sta*1.45*CPMultiplier^2 New Attack Stat is pretty much the same from before. The influence of speed is bigger though, because speed is substantial for a good attacker in the original games.BaseAttack=Round(0.75*ScaledAttack+0.25*ScaledSpeed) ScaledAttack=Round(2*(7/8 Higher+1/8 Lower)) ScaledSpeed=Speed*2 New Defense Stat is not weighed towards the bigger stat, though. Defensive Pokémon in the original games come both from mixed walls to specialized walls. Speed is also not as important.BaseDefense=Round(0.9*ScaledDefense+0.1*ScaledSpeed) ScaledDefense=Round(2*(1/2 Higher+1/2 Lower)) ScaledSpeed=Speed*2 Stamina, being the most important value in the gym metagame, changes a lot. HP Stat does not become as influential, and a combination of the other stats is used to create a much more legitimate stat.BaseStamina=1.5*HP+0.3*(ScaledAttack + ScaledDefense)+0.2*ScaledSpeed So, what do you think? I hope Niantic really searches for some feedback in the community, and if they are not, I hope they realize some changes are still necessary, especially regarding Vaporeon, Snorlax, and all around the CP inaccuracy to reflect effectiveness in battle.TL;DR: New CP formula creates a more expansive metagame roster, buffing a lot of Pokemon and nerfing some of the most overpowered ones.Edit: Added some Pokemon to the first table. Also Grammar. via /r/TheSilphRoad http://ift.tt/2gk7gUF
"I made a new CP and stats formula that will create a truly varied metagame. Niantic said they are listening to feedback, right?"
Reviewed by The Pokémonger
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