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"Met a Gym Sniper in person"

#PokemonGO: Wall of overly detailed text incoming, TL;DR I met a gym sniper I felt 90% he was waiting for me to level it up for him and he looked way too mature to be acting that way.So this was a couple days ago but I happened to run into someone looking to snipe gyms and they were not what I was expecting. I went to this park as it usually goes back and forth and I can usually add a Pokémon in to a gym there. Now this park has 2 gyms on opposite sides of the parking lot and Pokestops on the outskirts as well. So there is a very specific path you take if you are hitting all the Pokestops which makes it easy to see who is there for Pokémon. So I came and saw a level 9 gym that I could train up, awesome right? So I get close enough to register the the gym to be registered and was able to do this from my car.I was in my parking spot and had leveled the gym up about 4,000 prestige when I see someone else come into the parking lot. So far it was just me there and the entrance was right in front of me so I saw who left and came. He comes and goes in the route to get the Pokestops and parks on the other side next to the other gym. The other gym was a level 7 Instinct gym which I wasn't wanting to take down which is why I opted to just train the level 9. So he stops and then moves his car over to my area close enough to be able to interact with the gym. Now my windows are tinted so you cant see in much less see if I am playing and my car was turned off so it looked dark and quiet to him. All this time I am still training and get to 8,000 prestige and was assuming he was either going to train up as well to try and get the spot or start taking it down. There were no Pokestops around the gym just the gym so if you were over here it was for the gym.He gets out of his car and starts walking over to where the center of the gym is and looks around. Now this was a guy in dress slacks, dress shoes and a button up shirt with a tie, the full; 9 yards. He looked very professional and I was surprised he was playing. I was just on my battle which would have leveled the gym up but had a feeling and stopped one Pokémon short (I usually training against 2-3 at a time). This left the gym with 500 prestige left. At this time I just stopped and watched. He started waiting and after a while I guess when the battle animation on top of the gym stopped showing up he became agitated. He stared walking around faster and faster and looking everywhere to see if anyone was around. He started to train as I saw the battle animation start and he stood still for a while. After a while he got pissed and cursing loudly and the prestige had not moved. Cue more walking around, looking at his watch and cursing while looking around. He starts to battle again and this time it goes up I think 200? It took him quite a while though and he started cursing louder after this.Eventually he got back in his car and sped over to the other end of the parking lot where the other gym was and the battle animation started over there. By this point I was so entertained I forgot I was training the gym up. I quickly trained up the last bit (that Parasect counter to Vaporeon is amazing) and placed my Pokémon in. I didn't think anything of it while I was looking at who to pale until I heard a car approaching and sure enough, he was speeding back over because there was an open slot. Thankfully mine got placed and as I started my car up and drove off I could see the gears turning in his head as he parked semi close to me with clear windows in his car. It looked like he was yelling in his car, maybe at me maybe in general but he was livid as I drove past him. That is my story of how a business man lost his temper trying to steal a spot worth 10 coins from me. Of course you ever know 100% and there could be another explanation but seeing how it was only us in the parking lot (no other cars) this is what I believe to have happened. via /r/pokemongo
"Met a Gym Sniper in person" "Met a Gym Sniper in person" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 22:09 Rating: 5

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