"[Analysis] Individual Value %s are misleading. Here is a viable alternative."

#PokemonGO: Let's start with the premise that the main use of IVs are to maximise the CP of a defender Pokémon. This makes sense because while a high IV pokemon isn't defensively or offensively a lot stronger than a low IV pokemon (in comparison with the importance of level) an additional 100CP can make a huge difference to position a defender is placed in a gym.With this in mind IV%s are deeply flawed because they do not correlate directly to CP potential (for a given level) for two reasons: 1) Base stat variation not accounted for, 2) Higher weight of attack IV not accounted for. Therefore I propose a far more useful stat the CP% which is simply the % of additional CP gained through this IV combination.The consequences of using this new metric are significant. For example Snorlax 0 15 15 has an IV% of 67% but a CP% of only 42%. Indeed a 15 0 0 snorlax has a higher CP% than a 0 15 15 snorlax! You can play around with CP% and IV% using this spreadsheet I made: (http://ift.tt/2jmpV6F)(Pokémon base stats courtesy of \u\homu)Maths appendix:CP = M(A+a)√(D+d)√(S+s)Where A,D,S are attack, defense and stamina base stats; a,d,s are attack, defense and stamina IVs and M is a constant based on level.The maximum CP at a given level is then:CPmax = M(A+15)√(D+15)√(S+15)And the Minimum CP:CPmin = MA√D√SThe value of interest turns out to be:(CP-CPmin)/(CPmax-CPmin) =[(A+a)√(D+d)√(S+s)-A√D√S]/[(A+15)√(D+15)√(S+15)-A√D√S] via /r/TheSilphRoad http://ift.tt/2jNAyvY
"[Analysis] Individual Value %s are misleading. Here is a viable alternative."
Reviewed by The Pokémonger
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