"How Superior Great and Ultra Balls are in Comparison to Pokeballs to Catch Starters"
#PokemonGO: tl;dr To catch the same number of starters, great balls and ultra balls reduces the number of starters to encounter by 13% and 18% respectively.Yesterday I went to use only pokeballs to catch the starters and found that the flee and capture rate are approximately 13% and 44%. Link to post http://ift.tt/2irH8sM I tried to use the theoretical catch formula from pokemongo.gamepress.gg (link: http://ift.tt/2b16ONw) to see how much better great and ultra balls are to catch the starters assuming curveball and great throws. Link to result is here http://ift.tt/2iwbEnw first, second and third columns contain data and results for pokeballs, great balls and ultra balls respectively. Note the difference in M.BALL. The other multipliers are the same. The M.uCP is the value for lv.15 starters as I assume encounters follow standard normal distribution.Using these data and assumptions, I calculate the capture rates per successful throw which are 43%, 57% and 67%. This mean throwing an average of 188, 142, and 120 balls respectively. If we solely look at these numbers, throwing 188 normal pokeballs is definitely better than throwing 120 ultra balls. But because of flee rate, the sooner starters get captured the better which makes throwing great balls and ultra balls worth it.To include the effect of flee rate, I made a big assumption here. I use the average number of successful ball throws per successful encounter as the average number of successful ball throws for every encounter. The average number of successful ball throws are 3, 2 and 2 respectively per encounter. This results in number of encounters required of 105, 92 and 86 to catch 80 starters. via /r/TheSilphRoad http://ift.tt/2iC4Sty
"How Superior Great and Ultra Balls are in Comparison to Pokeballs to Catch Starters"
Reviewed by The Pokémonger
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