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"Pokemon Go Tracking Experiment w/PoGo+"

#PokemonGO: Hello so I wanted to do a little experimentation of my own. This afternoon I took a walk down a fairly straight path I knew about. I first did the walk down the path with my phone closed and relied on the PoGo+, then on the way back up the same path I did it with my PoGo+ and app open. Unfortunately, I did not do controls without the PoGo+ open vs closed app. However, when I get to do the path again I will try to implement that.So far it seems like the PoGo+ tracked better of maybe 0.1-0.2km with the app closed than with the app open. Here are some pictures of before and after of the eggs and the path I walked on.@TrainerTips if you see this, the 10km egg I picked up with 1.9km in the beginning was one from Santa Monica (SM) and the other 0km egg that I picked up after my first walk from the center I got to. Upon returning to my original location on the second walk, that egg I picked up closer to my start position of my experiment shifted up ahead of the SM egg.Raw Data+Experiment Pictures: Why is this getting downvoted? Did I do something wrong?Edit: It has been brought to my attention that the 0.1-0.2km is within the margin of error. Which I agree with 100%, I never said one way is better than the other. I stated "so far" in the result. Obviously, there is much more trials and testings that need to be done in order to improve validity. Just wanted to contribute something to the SilphRoad and maybe encourage others to do the same. via /r/TheSilphRoad
"Pokemon Go Tracking Experiment w/PoGo+" "Pokemon Go Tracking Experiment w/PoGo+" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 13:16 Rating: 5

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