"[Story] Seems a little Farfetch'd to me..."

#PokemonGO: To preface this, I have been to Japan before on my own, for two weeks, one week in Tokyo and one in Kyoto and I only saw one Farfetch'd on sightings the whole time. I did not find him.So my family and I are on vacation for a week in Japan. We have stayed in the Tokyo region for most of the time but did travel to Kyoto and Nara for two days. It's our last night in Tokyo and I have yet to see a Farfetch'd :( although to be fair I have been focusing on family more than this game. I'm still optimistic cause I have heard that regional spawns have increased.My brother and little sister are also avid PoGo players so we are exploring the area around are hotel one last time before we leave in the morning. I check the nearby (pokestops) and I see a silhouette... it's not Farfetch'd, but Alakazam! I have enough candies to evolve one, but my siblings don't so i immediately tell them and we start heading towards the pokestop. Its about two blocks away, past a large intersection. They had ran up ahead and were almost at the stop, I was walking because it wasn't that big of a deal, I still had my good IV Kadabra that I was going to evolve anyway. I always walk with the phone at my side when I know where the pokestop is so it is in battery saver mode and will just vibrate when the Pokemon appears. For some reason I think to check sightings again... OMG. All of a sudden, another silhouette appears on a pokestop that is to my left, and closer than Alakazam. Its that lovable leak wielding bird, the region exclusive himself! I scream at the top of my lungs to my siblings, FARFETCH'D!!!!!I turn down the street to the left and waive my brother and sister over. I reach the pokestop but he's not appearing. It's one of those where the pokestop is a building, but the pokemon will appear at the back, or the alley behind the building. it appears for my sister and brother no problem, but I have to walk a few more paces (of course I do, nothing in my life is ever easy...).My brother catches it on his first try, and a little after this my sister nabs it with just a pokeball. I tap Farfetch'd as soon as he springs up from the grass. I ready and use my raspberry, and switch to the Ultra ball. I've had problems with portable Wifi making the game lag and close before, so now that everything is in place, all I have to do is hit this fool with a great throw. I spin my Ultra ball so it curves like J-Lo's... hips. Of course I miss and it hits the top of this birdie's head so I don't even get "Nice". (remember how nothing in my life is easy? ...Yeah...) My sister asks, did you get it!? Meanwhile my brother has ran back to get the Alakazam, good for him.He breaks free... OH GOD PLEASE DON'T RUN! Farfetch'd pops out of the ball, waving his vegetable sword at me, almost to scold me and say " Really?, you think I'm that easy? I deserve better than that throw naive trainer". I have a feeling this will be my last chance to capture him. I take my Ultra ball, throw a perfect curve ball and land a great throw! (Take that bird man). I catch him, I'm ecstatic! New entry to the Pokedex, I have now completed my Asian dex!I don't bother checking IVs cause I don't care... I got him! I tap him to see him and hear his cry, beep beep beep but it's a familiar sound... how do I know this sound? Sounds more like... beep beep beep... not anything a bird would say....beep beep beep... goes my alarm clock...Happy Thursday everyone...To anyone that is interested, the only real farfetch'd I saw on sightings during my travels was in Nara, and I was on a train -_- via /r/pokemongo http://ift.tt/2jbC8ea
"[Story] Seems a little Farfetch'd to me..."
Reviewed by The Pokémonger
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