"Egg chart experiencing changes? (During valentine's day)"
#PokemonGO: Hey guys, I don't know how to say this... but I just hatched an ekans from an 2k egg. Please check your hatches.Edit: I got and hatched the egg during the event. (5 minutes after the event started to be precise)Edit: It is confirmed, baby. I just hatched a second 2k egg, and it is an oddish!Edit: If you switch your buddy to a Pincir, you will notice that you still need 2.5 kilometer in order to get a candy. So switching your buddy doesn't seem to be a good way to check for the new data. You would have to hatch them? Need to confirm this, but my phone crashes every time I click my avatar.Soldiers! Raise your cellphones high! Report any anomalies regarding egg hatches, and Godspeed!Confirmed 2kAbraBellsproutDigletEkansExeggecuteGastlyGoldeenKrabbyMachopNidoranOddishSlowpokeVenonatConfirmed 5kOnixPichuPinsirScytherTangelaTogepi via /r/TheSilphRoad http://ift.tt/2kIJrsf
"Egg chart experiencing changes? (During valentine's day)"
Reviewed by The Pokémonger
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