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"My Experience in the City...and a bittersweet realization"

#PokemonGO: Its been a while since i posted and i am not sure anyone remembers me. To concisely explain - I am a rural player who went to the city for a couple of weeks, was extremely happy while i was there and managed to challenge a gym monopoly successfully as well.My previous threads if someone wants to read- This might be a long post so please bear with me, or skip to TL;DR at the end, thank you :)To start with, the next couple of days ( Day 3 and 4 after i challenged the guys threatening me) were very eventful. They decided they would challenge me head on and brought their whole team to scare me off. That didn't work and i took down their gym right in front of them. My support was my friend who was conveniently beside me holding up his phone like he was recording them. Once i took 2 gyms down which were side by side they waited for me to place something and i just placed a couple of Pidgeys to collect my coins as i knew it would be a waste of potions to place any high CP Pokemon considering they were ready to beat whatever i add. They played mostly at night so the gyms were always Level 5-8 minimum in the morning.Once i collected my coins, i went to other gyms held by them while they prestiged the gyms i took down. When i came back to my relatives' place, i realized i cant do this forever so i put all my effort to find any of the other 2 team players.The next 2 days schedule looked like this - Spend time with relatives in the morning, take down their gyms/catch Pokemon in the afternoon and evening, search for other players on WhatsApp, FB etc at night.I was able to bring out a few players out of the shadows and i organized a meetup in a nearby park. I was really happy to see 6 guys and a girl turn up and i told them about the situation , encouraged them to not give up on gym battling.Next day, all of us planned to attack all of their gyms at once. I created a WhatsApp group so that we could coordinate the attack. I knew that they would come out in the evening when i start battling the 2 gyms in their territory. One of the new guys and my old friend were with me. The other 6 split into pairs to take down the other 3 gyms. All of the new players did their job excellently and for the first time , not even a single gym in that area was held by the Dominant Team. While i was battling, I could observe that They were a little bit shocked to see all gyms attacked at once.The next morning , we all met and all of them were beyond pumped to finally battle after such a long time. They told me they had more than enough resources and good Pokemon to take out the gyms till now but didn't do it because they couldnt find any support to oppose the threatening players.The next week passed by in a flash as we organized trips to 3 nearby nests- Charmander, Slowpoke and Electabuzz. We continued to take down gyms in the evening and most importantly had fun while dong it. The Dominant team - I guess i shouldn't call them that anymore as they were no longer dominant - gave up maybe because they were running out of revives/potions to prestige. As we all know taking down a gym costs a lot less potions/revives than to prestige unless you have really good prestigers. I told my friends to keep at it and not to be intimidated by them anymore. By the time i had to say Goodbye to my relatives and my new friends, I knew i would cherish these experiences a lot.The Aftermath -All good things come to an end eventually. When i returned to my rural area i was happy at first mainly because i didnt see those damn Ekans/Mankey/Paras anymore (They break out and jump so often..grr) But after a few hours i felt empty.I mean from a place where i could battle whenever i wanted, get items easily and talk to people while playing, I jumped to a place where i hold the only gym in town, have to camp out at a Pokestop for an hour to get at least a few balls and search for spawn points like they were needles in a haystack. I did play in the same area before ( I was level 23 when i went to the city and i am level 26 now) but the exp needed to level up wasn't too high and i could keep myself motivated. I also used to buy Pokeballs once in a while but when i saw how easy it was to get balls in the city i just dont feel like buying them anymore. In short, I am stuck..I unable to find any motivation because i found an oasis in the middle of the desert for a while and i am back in the desert now :(I request all of you especially the rural players to help me get my motivation back and how i should proceed further now on. Your help will be invaluable to me. Finally, Thanks for taking your time to read my post and i hope i didnt bore you :) Awaiting your feedback on my experience and advice about my predicament now :)TL;DR - Went to the city , gained new friends, broke a gym monopoly, had a lot of fun levelling up, finding nests etc. And now i feel empty after returning back to my rural area as number of spawns, pokestops, gyms are extremely low. Need advice to proceed further, thank you. via /r/TheSilphRoad
"My Experience in the City...and a bittersweet realization" "My Experience in the City...and a bittersweet realization" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 21:55 Rating: 5

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