"Which 'perfect' mon hurt the most when you evolved them?"

#PokemonGO: I thought getting Twister on my 'perfect' Gyarados hurt. But am reconciled to it being high enough CP to make a pretty gym ornament - exactly 3000CP, which pleases me. (And Twister isn't slightly less awful than I though, because it's irritating to dodge. It doesn't really hurt much, but it probably does slightly more damage than the other options would).But my Abra... well, I've just got a Confusion/Dazzling Gleam Alakazam. So a moderately good defensive moveset on a glass cannon defender (Who also doesn't really have enough CP to sit high up the 'stack' like a Gyarados does).... so tell me Silph-Roaders - what did you evolve up that made you most sad? via /r/TheSilphRoad http://ift.tt/2lbYP2Y
"Which 'perfect' mon hurt the most when you evolved them?"
Reviewed by The Pokémonger
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