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"Version 2 - PoGo Ranking List of Attackers, Defenders, Prestigers, and Counters"

#PokemonGO: Hello Trainer and Travellers,It’s me again, ready to release version 2 of my ranking list spreadsheets. You can read more from my original post here: recently released an infographic of an attacker and defender list and unfortunately, it was not as well received. I had some questionable results from my code and didn’t account for some variables that some of you were more than happy to point out. Perhaps it was a little too quick to release a ranking list before people become accustom to the new movesets, but the Gen 2 update did seriously change the power level of certain mons.I went back into my code and made some significant changes and assumptions, which I’ll list here. (If you’d like to read more about how I went about with my calculations, send me a PM, and I’ll forward you a link).Summary of Updates from v1 to v2Defenders weren’t scaled properly, so I scaled it with an additional factor to the defense and stamina statDodging is now scaled inversely proportionally to the cooldown of BOTH fast and charge moves (previous was just a linear negative relationship)For attack, a small buff was added for each strength a mon possesses.For defense, a 25% nerf was added if the mon has a double weakness. For example, Dragonite has a double weakness to ICE, so it received a 25% nerf to its defensive duel power.Known Problems/Assumptions:The game master file I used to pull moves, misses a few movesets of the lower ranking mons (especially baby mons). If anyone can help me pull the latest file of base stats that would be really appreciated!Dodging is based on above average trainer. My assumptions are that you can dodge both fast and charge moves, but not perfectly.No legendariesPART 1: Results of Power RankingsSo instead of making a nice infographic, I want to make sure that the community is in at least somewhat in agreement to how the results turned out. I’ll list the top mons for att/def here based on their BEST MOVESET. (This means that Blissey without P/HB would fall much lower on my tier list.)Please check out the entire list of power rankings here (I’ve added arbitrary lines to the 3rd and 5th tab to signify where a tier border would fall): are 5 tabs:Duel power of each mon sorted by dex #Sorted by ATT Duel powerSorted by ATT Duel power, but only shows the best moveset for each monSorted by DEF Duel powerSorted by DEF Duel power, but only shows the best moveset for each monAttacker Tier List(based on best moveset possible; 25 mons included)S-TierDragonite (DT/Outrage or DB/DC), Tyranitar (Bite/SE)Tier 1Machamp (Counter/Dynamic Punch), *Blissey (Pound/HB)Tier 1.5Heracross (Counter/Close Combat), Flareon (FS/OH), *Snorlax (Lick/HB)Tier 2Vaporeon (WG/HP)Tier 2.5Exeggutor (Extrasensory/SB), Espeon (Confusion/Futuresight), Golem (RT/SE)Tier 3Charizard (FS/OH), Arcanine (Fire Fang/FT), Rhydon (Mud Slap/EQ), Gyarados (Bite/HP), Alakazam (Confusion or PC/Futuresight), Gengar (Shadow Claw/Shadow Ball)Tier 4Pinsir (Bug Bite/XS), Omastar (Rock Throw/Rock Slide), Venusaur (VW/SB), Scizor (FC/XS)Honorable MentionsMuk (Poison Jab/Gunk Shot), Jolteon (Thunder Shock/Thunderbolt), Donphan (Counter/EQ), Typhlosion (Ember/OH)*Star means you must have this moveset.Defender Tier List(based on best moveset possible; 24 mons included)S-TierBlissey (ZH/DG, but really any moveset)Tier 1Snorlax (ZH/BS, any ZH moveset)Tier 1.5Steelix (Iron Tail, Heavy Slam), Chansey (ZH, DG)Tier 2Lapras (Ice Shard/Ice Beam), Rhydon (Mud Slap/Stone Edge)Tier 3Tyranitar (Iron Tail/Crunch), Dragonite (DT/Outrage), Umbreon (Snarl/Foul Play), Slowbro/Slowking (Confusion/Psychic)Tier 4Hypno (Confusion,/Futuresight), Donphan (Counter/Play Rough), Ampharos (Volt Switch/Zap Cannon), Vaporeon (WG/Aqua Tail), Muk (Infestation, Gunk Shot), Golem (MS/SE), Poliwrath (Bubble/Dynamic Punch), Cloyster (Ice Shard, Avalanche)Honorable MentionsGyarados (DT, Outrage), Espeon (Confusion/Futuresight), Miltank (ZH/BS), Exeggutor (Confusion/SB), Jolteon (Volt Switch/Thunderbolt)Won’t go into any anomalies here, we can discuss them in the comments. I would highly advise you to check out the spreadsheet before ranting about not having the ideal moveset. It’s very possible, that the 2nd best moveset is only SLIGHTLY worse. Remember every mon has a weakness, but some have double weaknesses. IF there is a decent level of consensus, I’ll consider making a new infographic based on the above list for better accessibility.PART 2: Countering and Prestiging against the Big 8Alright, so that’s great and all, but how do I defeat the Big 8 (included Exeggutor now due to popular demand). I’ve got you covered. I’ve included a link to 8 spreadsheets, each with a name of the Pokemon you want to know how to defeat. Like a scouting portfolio. Each spreadsheet includes 4 tabs:Prestiger Ranking List based on CP efficiencyPrestiger Ranking List – Top CP efficiency onlyCounter Ranking List – based on Duel Power versus that specific monCounter Ranking List – Top Duel Power of each mon onlyAssumptions/Updates for v2:For counters, both the attacking and defending Pokemon are Level 30 with perfect IV.For prestigers, MAX CP of party is 1500 (exceptions: Vaporeon – 1400, Exeggutor – 1300), with assumed IV of 0/15/15For prestigers, there's a max cap of Level 30 (I assume players generally don't power mons past Level 30 unless it's a high MAX cp mon)Defender moveset is based on an assumed probabilityApproximate time to counter, time til death, and time to prestige is added for each PokemonA column that says win or lose in a 1 on 1 battle has been addedA column that calculates the %health remainingResults: find the exact lists, please refer to the above folder of spreadsheets. If you want to just have a general sense of who’s good against what, I’ve listed the Top 6 Counters and Top 5 prestigers here based on BEST moveset available. (Added an extra one to counters, cause Dragonite is on every one). (Please note that if Blissey (P/HB) is in the top echelon of a list, I’ve EXCLUDED it below). I'll add individual spreadsheet links, if you can't access the folder.If your moveset or mon isn’t here, DO NOT PANIC. Check the actual spreadsheets. If you see a mon within top 6-10, and you’re anecdotal experience can confirm, let others and me know!Blissey PrestigersMachamp (Counter/Dynamic Punch)Machoke (Karate Chop/Dynamic Punch)Forretress (Bug Bite/Heavy Slam)Skarmory (Steel Wing/Sky Attack)Heracross (Counter/Close Combat)Blissey CountersTyranitar (Bite/Stone Edge)Dragonite (DB/DC)Machamp (Counter/Dynamic Punch)Heracross (Counter/Close Combat)Scizor (Fury Cutter/XS)Vaporeon (WG/HP)Dragonite PrestigersCloyster (Frost Breath/Avalanche)Piloswine (Powder Snow/Avalanche)Jynx (Frost Breath/Avalanche)Lapras (Frost Breath/Ice Beam)Dewgong (Frost Breath/Blizzard)Dragonite CountersDragonite (DB/DC)Tyranitar (Bite/Stone Edge)Lapras (Frost Breath/Blizzard)Cloyster (Frost Breath/Avalanche)Jynx (Frost Breath/Avalanche)Golem (Rock Throw/Stone Edge)Snorlax PrestigersMachamp (Counter/Dynamic Punch)Machoke (Karate Chop/Dynamic Punch)Hitmontop (Counter/Close Combat)Primeape (Counter/Close Combat)Hitmonchan (Counter/Close Combat)Snorlax CountersTyranitar (Bite/Stone Edge)Dragonite (DB/DC)Machamp (Counter/Dynamic Punch)Heracross (Counter/Close Combat)Vaporeon (WG/HP)Scizor (Fury Cutter/XS)Tyranitar PrestigersMachamp (Counter/Dynamic Punch)Machoke (Karate Chop/Dynamic Punch)Hitmontop (Counter/Close Combat)Primeape (Counter/Close Combat)Hitmonchan (Counter/Close Combat)Tyranitar CountersMachamp (Counter/Dynamic Punch)Heracross (Counter/Close Combat)Vaporeon (WG/HP)Poliwrath (Rock Smash/Dynamic Punch)Dragonite (DB/DC)Donphan (Counter/Earthquake)Rhydon PrestigersTangela (Vine Whip/Grass Knot)Venusaur (Vine Whip/Solar Beam)Meganium (Vine Whip/Solar Beam)Bellossom (Razor Leaf/Leaf Blade)Victreebel (Razor Leaf/Leaf Blade)Rhydon CountersVaporeon (WG/HP)Venusaur (Vine Whip/Solar Beam)Dragonite (DB/DC)Feraligatr (WG/HP)Exeggutor (Bullet Seed/Solar Beam)Machamp (Counter/Dynamic Punch)Gyarados PrestigersRaichu (Spark/Wild Charge)Magneton (Thunder Shock/Discharge)Electabuzz (Thunder Shock/Thunderbolt)Jolteon (Thunder Shock/Thunderbolt)Electrode (Spark/Thunderbolt)Gyarados CountersTyranitar (Bite/Stone Edge)Jolteon (Thunder Shock/Thunderbolt)Dragonite (DB/DC)Ampharos (Charge Beam/Zap Cannon)Magneton (Thunder Shock/Discharge)Golem (Rock Throw/Stone Edge)Vaporeon Prestigers (Max CP: 1400)Tangela (Vine Whip/Grass Knot)Meganium (Vine Whip/Solar Beam)Venusaur (Vine Whip/Solar Beam)Bellossom (Razor Leaf/Leaf Blade)Victreebel (Razor Leaf/Leaf Blade)Vaporeon CountersDragonite (DB/DC)Venusaur (Vine Whip/Solar Beam)Exeggutor (Bullet Seed/Solar Beam)Tyranitar (Bite/Stone Edge)Jolteon (Thunder Shock/Thunderbolt)Tangela (Vine Whip/Grass Knot)Exeggutor Prestigers (Max CP: 1300)Scizor (Fury Cutter/XS)Parasect (Bug Bite/XS)Scyther (Fury Cutter/XS)Parasect (Fury Cutter/XS)Pinsir (Bug Bite/XS)Exeggutor CountersScizor (Fury Cutter/XS)Pinsir (Bug Bite/XS)Tyranitar (Bite/Crunch)Scyther (FC/XS)Dragonite (DB/DC)Flareon (Fire Spin/Overheat)Similar to above, will not highlight any anomalies, but happy to discuss in the comments below.Caveats:The problem with PART 1 attacker and defender list is that it’s really just an overall power ranking. Unfortunately, it doesn’t account for the percentage of spawns or types in a particular area. If however, I know the exact attacker and defender, I can provide a better prediction. Until they re-work how gyms work, it's just better to put a high CP mon. The defender list tries to demonstrate which mon is harder for an enemy team to take down.For the following spreadsheets, I match the attacker’s specific moveset and type against a specific Big 8 defender. As for the defender moveset, there is no way to know what moveset the defender has before engaging in battle. Thus, I factored in an assumed probability of a moveset based on whether or not they rank high or low on my defender ranking list. If anyone has specific percentages of a particular defender movesets in gyms, please let me know and I can update my parameters accordingly!Final ThoughtsI am not perfect, I am only human. I’m making these lists on my off time from work and am a one-man army. There may or may not be errors or invalid assumptions. I don’t expect these spreadsheets to be gospel, but I do hope you find this post enjoyable to read.If you like what you see, please let me know! Positivity is what drives me to keep theory crafting for Pokemon Go.Disagree with something, don’t like something, spot something weird, ALSO please let me know! I’ll try to reply back with some reasoning.I read every single comment and your critical feedback is really helpful. But as stated, I am human, and prefacing your critique with a nice complement will make me much more receptive :). It’s no fun reading a 1-liner “lmao, your list sucks” or “this one mistake invalidates your entire list” type of comment, without knowing why.Check out my original post here for further reference: via /r/TheSilphRoad
"Version 2 - PoGo Ranking List of Attackers, Defenders, Prestigers, and Counters" "Version 2 - PoGo Ranking List of Attackers, Defenders, Prestigers, and Counters" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 14:14 Rating: 5

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