"Originally only Unown I and V were obtainable as shinies (among the Unown letters)"

#PokemonGO: With Shinies coming (even though we only have Magikarp so far), I just wanted to share some interesting info in regards to the original games implementation of shinies (and why it's good that Niantic didn't copy this).Originally shinies were determined by IVs. There was a 1 in 4096 chance of obtaining a pokemon with the right set of IVs to get a shiny. It turns out that the original gen 2 games also determined which form an Unown was through IVs. This created an interesting dynamic where the only two Unown forms who could get IVs that cooresponded to shiny values was I and V (oddly enough IVs is what determined I and V could be shiny).If Niantic had taken the same approach to assigning IVs to Pokemon, and IVs also determined Unown forms and Shinies, the other sprites couldn't possibly have a shiny form. Let's just appreciate that they didn't go this route.*FYI: this was also remedied in later games anyway. via /r/TheSilphRoad http://ift.tt/2oW4g7N
"Originally only Unown I and V were obtainable as shinies (among the Unown letters)"
Reviewed by The Pokémonger
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