"[Idea] reducing gym stagnation by incentivizing battling"

#PokemonGO: Background: I recently took my first trip to a big city since the game launched and had a great time catching pokemon, but the gym game there was terrible. Almost every gym was level 10. I took down a couple which took me over an hour, and that same day they were back up to level 10. I even watched one be built up faster than I took it down with the gastly bubblestrat. So that got me thinking about what would be a good way to improve the gym game:Idea: Move some of the rewards normally earned from holding a gym into rewards earned from battling/prestiging a gym. So for example cut the rewards for holding a gym in half (5 coins and 250 stardust) per mon, and make it so that every time you either raise a gym a level or lower a gym a level you earn that same amount (250 stardust and 5 coins) to a maximum of 10 times every 21 hours. This would make tearing down a level 10 gym actually worthwhile and I think would do wonders to reduce stagnation. Right now the rewards for battling are highly outweighed be the rewards for holding gyms. Of course there are lots of other ways to improve the gym game with an overhaul, but I think this would be a pretty simple yet effective solution to stagnation if the gym game was going to be kept similar to how it currently is. via /r/pokemongo http://ift.tt/2r7TaLy
"[Idea] reducing gym stagnation by incentivizing battling"
Reviewed by The Pokémonger
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