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"Never place all of your eggs in one basket. :("

[Heads Up: This post is super rambly, but I appreciate anyone taking the time to share their thoughts and hear my story that I have never really shared anywhere before (feel free to skip down to the bottom where the major crazy happens.) The way I describe things might be confusing purely because I'm trying to mask my age and as much personal stuff as possible]Hey all! First time posting here, mulled over all of the different places I could get my story/thoughts out and figured the actual Pokemon community would probably sympathize with me the most. Now, I don't normally try to be negative, at least never intentionally. Been all about embracing a positive mindset over mid-last-year to now and it absolutely works like magic. So I'll try to start off on a positive note.I had an amazing experience with Pokemon Sun, I'm always a few months late to pick up the newest games, it has been like that with almost every 3DS release, I'm just super busy and forget to go pick them up from my nearest supplier. Pokemon Sun is actually my favourite game, at least, I'd say it was if someone were to ask. I just really enjoyed the story and how colourful everything was and just the overall atmosphere, there were moments were I got goosebumps and I genuinely felt sad when I had finished the story. It was the first game that I actually didn't finish within a day or two, I stretched it out and jumped on over the course of about seven days, it was really worth savoring! I've heard Black 2 and White 2 were really awesome story-wise, but they're the only games that I haven't played - besides any of the gameboy games, of which I have played none (unless a bootleg ruby version counts) and I certainly plan on jumping into White 2 to give the story a spin.Obviously, I'm very excited to play Ultra Sun, as I was considering purchasing the Moon version just to re-experience the main game.But then comes real life, the ultimate enemy of video games. Yeah, he's a huge meany and tonight he decided to hit me real hard.So without watering things down, we live in a very derro area. We've been burgled a fair number of times, to the point where we don't even bother reporting it to the police when things go missing, hundreds of thousands worth of items gone in some cases, funnily enough, my stuff generally stays untouched.More recent events, as you'll be able to tell based on the games being mentioned. I had my original 3Ds stolen, which I had owned for a short number of years. Omega Ruby version was still in the console when it was taken, and on that game, while I had transferred many pokemon into the game via Pokebank, I hadn't really put everything of value onto the game and I wasn't toooo bummed about it, again, stuff being stolen is just apart of my life at this point.So some time passes, I received a New 3DS XL for my Birthday early last year, I order Alpha Sapphire online because, at the time, I was in such an anxious state that I couldn't bare interacting with people in Game stores, or even worse, let anyone see me buying a Pokemon game. Yes, I know, and no, I'm not ashamed anymore to be playing any video games as an adult.Speeding things up now: I play through Alpha Sapphire, all good and fun, but this time I really got into breeding. I mean like obsessively into it, where I was actually spending time playing pokemon in its endgame, which was something I hadn't done for years. I had a (nearly) perfect IV ditto for almost each nature, and I'd also become interested in Masuda Method breeding for shinies and I really felt like I was milking my money's worth in fun experiences outta the game.Sun (the game) was released, and as usual I picked it up, and had that amazing experience that I've already mentioned. I transferred absolutely everything to Pokemon Sun, all of my old high level Pokemon with funny nicknames and wicked movesets, a fair few shiny pokemon, too. As well as all of my Dittos. Of course, now I know it's much easier in Sun and Moon to get those IVs up, and we don't desperately need to scramble for eggs to get what we want.Basically, I moved every 'mon that I possibly could, over to Pokemon Sun. So everyone from every previous installment that could connect to Pokemon Bank, I moved.Now a few months later, I'm still jumping onto the game to check Poke Pelago and order beverages to get those biscuits from older games. It was a very relaxing way to wind down. Unfortunately, this afternoon when I went to do that, I found my drawer all messed up, my games were like all over the place.Everything was there, even the console, the only thing missing was Pokemon Sun. The game in its cover, because I no longer leave games in the consoles when I'm done with them. I'd already learned that lesson.You see, I went and stayed with a pal for a few days, because we were having a room (not mine) rented out via some bed and breakfast business, and I wasn't a huge fan of having to think about everything I did while the guest was staying. I left my console and my games all neatly where they always are, in the top drawer of my desk, which is in my bedroom.Now, we don't have any locks on the doors, but they were kept closed while the guest was staying. We do have a security alarm system, but we didn't set it for the two days that the guest was staying because we figured we didn't want to make them have to remember it or have them stress out at all. Probably also a dumb idea. No one but permanent residents (my family) have keys to the house and I am literally the only person who owns any consoles or has even the slightest interest in video games. So, immediately, all family members are off the list. I have reason to believe that the guest had kids of their own and wasn't very wealthy or even well-off, and they did suspiciously check-out with still one night to go. They didn't even try to contact us, the reason stated on the website was just "personal emergency" or something.I'm talking about AirBnB, sorry, I'd forgotten the name. It was literally the first guest to stay, we tried it on a whim for some extra money on the side.This all happened over the past few days, my head is still spinning, and I'm just angry and put off by the whole thing. I still believe there are more good than bad people out there and we're just experiencing a whole lot of the bad, I even met the person who stayed for a few minutes before I left for my buddies house, they seemed super friendly. I guess the most poisonous snakes can be beautiful on the outside, though.Don't worry, I'm sure you've all got questions about the actual home situation and such, but I assure you, it could only have been this guest, and unless I did something in my sleep (I don't sleepwalk) I swear that I left the game exactly where I always leave it, in the drawer, the last time I had used it.Not here to moan about being stolen from, well, I mean, kinda, but more just to state that I don't even know if I'll pick up Ultra Sun or Moon, I'm just really discouraged by this entire situation and I can hardly explain it to anyone IRL. Like, yeah, the game itself was expensive but my progress just cannot be replaced. It's dumb and I know I should just grow up, but it blows. I don't even know why I decided to type all of this up aside from venting, but yeah.Do you get that feeling? Ever lost like, a hard drive or something? Just ones and zeroes in the end, maybe, but it's like, still stuff. It was still hours sunk in, and it's all just very "UGH!". Whoever took it knew it was the latest release, but mustn't have known that it would already have had progress saved onto it.I'll probably delete this if I have some kinda mood swing later and feel all weird about sharing this kind of stuff to reddit, but yeah. Strange that out of everything in my whole bedroom, the only thing that is missing is the one game, not even the console, THE GAME that I had been playing once a day, like, honestly I would have just given them every other Pokemon game that I had if I knew that it was going to be taken.My memory is good, like, I cannot stress enough that I know the game was there, I always leave it in that drawer, neatly stacked with the console sitting atop two stacks of games.Thanks for reading, sorry if I wasted your time. All replies are appreciated.[EDIT/UPDATE]: Literally just remembered all the time I spent playin' those minigames to boost affection for all of my best Pokemon, and trust me, there were multiple team's worth of 'em. I know it's just more moping, but like, full on. I guess everything has been made way easier in the new games, with the edition of the Rainbow Beans and Bottle Caps, I can pretty much obtain the same if not cooler pokemon. But the sheer number, like, hundreds upon hundreds of Pokemon in the PC gone just like that. via /r/pokemon
"Never place all of your eggs in one basket. :(" "Never place all of your eggs in one basket. :(" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 04:57 Rating: 5

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