"[Discussion] I feel like the Legendary Dogs shouldn't be captured at raids, but rather in the wild"

#PokemonGO: I don't post a ton and maybe this will get a negative reaction, but I wanted to share and discuss an idea I had. Something that I loved about the Gold/Silver/Crystal games was trying to find and capture the legendary dogs around the Johto region (even more so I really liked the special battle music from Crystal, that was always shocking/exciting to hear). To me, having them just sitting at a gym to battle and capture in a raid goes against the spirit of how we had to capture them in the past. While we don't know for certain how it'll play out, it seems to be the raid model is the designated system for legendary pokemon. However, I had a few thoughts on the topic and was also curious what others thought -- if I was alone in this line of thinking or if other nostalgia junkies shared this feeling. For starters, what would be neat (and unlikely) would be to have an in game-tracker means of locating them -- maybe an improved version of the tracker that worked from launch. It could be a rare static spawn that lasted for many hours so people could share the location. Once you battled, you could then track/see notifications of when that legendary spawned near you. However, there's a lot of issues with that and would require way more game/code work than it might be worth. While it would be more true to the original games, I don't think it'd be the most feasible for PoGo. So instead, I think that a middle ground using raids and some tracking could be neat. Raid Battle, then the hunt -- So, a more feasible idea might be to have them still spawn at raids and still encourage groups of people to come and fight. But once you beat the raid, instead of immediately battling it in the "bonus challenge" mode, the legendary dog flees to somewhere (within a reasonable distance, no further than the boundaries of the current visible map perhaps). Then, the group has to break off to try and find where it went. Maybe there's some sort of tracking/hot or cold feature to help, or you're just left to your own. But wherever it went, it will act as a static spawn for those who completed the raid for a long amount of time, giving them time to find it and notify the other members of the raid battle. (in game communication would be nice for this, just saying *coughcough*)There's some issues with this method, too, of course.I have to find them after winning? - While with current legendaries, it's a bummer to not capture them, at least you don't also have to find them after already winning the raid. What if no one in the group finds them? The balance to this, a bit, is that you would be able to use ultra balls since it wouldn't be in the bonus challenge mode.But they fled immediately in the games - I'm not wanting to destroy players by having them beat the raid, scour the town, only to have their legendary flee after one failed catch. This is the benefit to having the "bonus challenge" mode because it gives some consistency to how many chances you have. That said, it also isn't very true to the spirit of the G/S/C games if they just stay there. But also, how much do I want to have to walk around to catch a legendary? They could still have a decently high flee rate, and when/if they do flee, they could relocate to another static spawn nearby that would be shared for all players who had them flee. This isn't a fix-all solution because it can fragment the group (those who caught it and peace out and those who have to hoof it more) but it could also be fun and challenging -- it's hard to know just writing down words and not actually attempting it. If the fleeing and relocating were to be a thing, I think a hot/cold indicator would be pretty vital to keep people from becoming completely discouraged. Sure, it's a lot of walking, but hey, you can always hatch some eggs too.That's a lot of people aimless wandering around - Yeah, it could cause some problems. This could be one of those circumstances of 'hey there might be an Entei in your backyard, can we hop your fence?' and other unsavory playstyles. As a way to possibly combat that, the spawn could only be at an already existing point, instead of just randomly wherever. Even then, it might still show up in an unsafe location or unreachable (depending on so many factors). And it still would leave a lot of people wandering, staring at their phones, potentially walking into traffic, who knows.Communicating what's happening to the player - Making sure that the players know what the heck is going on when their quarry runs away after a successful raid victory is vital. I think it goes without saying that it could get confusing to have one set of legendaries behave like normal raids and another set act uniquely, but if communicated in game appropriately, it might be alright. So anyway there you have it. With all of the legendary raids, meeting random people at them, and the fun I've had with it, I just got to thinking about how to mix things up a bit as well as feed the nostalgia fire. I'm also really curious what you all think. Is this something you'd enjoy? Is it a good idea to have different ways to capture legendaries to make them feel more unique or should the system remain more uniform and predictable? (not necessarily a bad thing at all!) Do you have ideas to make it better? Am I just a nostalgia junkie who should go back and replay Crystal version for the seventh time?Thanks for reading! TL;DR -- I think it could be neat if how you capture the Legendary Dogs (Suicune, Entei, Raikou) was a bit different from the Legendary Birds (Articuno, Moltres, Zapdos). Since in the original Gold/Silver/Crystal games, you had to track the Legendary Dogs down to catch them, I propose a similar system for PoGo, involving beating them at a raid, then locating them nearby to capture them. Edit:Here's a cool idea for legendary dogs without using raids, but having them as event spawns posted by /u/ArchAngelleofJustice (full comment)The Legendary Dogs were introduced in Gen 2 as roaming creatures who would flee from the player as soon as they could. I think a better translation of this into Pokemon Go would be:All dogs appear for a set time (maybe a week).They are super common. Maybe not quite as common as Pidgey or Ratatta, but they'll be easy enough to find.They should not be set to any sort of biome or nest. All dogs should be available everywhere.They flee on any failed captureOPTIONAL: Decrease the capture rate to 1% - to account for players using Ultra Balls.OPTIONAL: The dogs cycle super regularly based on region. Suicune might be available for one hour in California, and Entei may be roaming England at the same time. An hour later, Raikou is in California and Suicune in England. via /r/TheSilphRoad http://ift.tt/2tZBIJE
"[Discussion] I feel like the Legendary Dogs shouldn't be captured at raids, but rather in the wild"
Reviewed by The Pokémonger
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