"Our Pokemon needs more diverse moves"

#PokemonGO: This has been brought up before, but it's probably worth mentioning again since the fervor right now is all over Legendaries: this game needs a more diverse moveset for all the different Pokemon.It's most immediately noticeable with Fire and Water types: their ideal moveset is exactly the same (Fire Spin/Overheat and Water Gun/Hydro Pump), so the only difference between an "ideal" Ninetales, Flareon and Moltres or Vaporeon, Feraligator, and Blastoise is the stat loadout. Which you can't directly see. It makes a difference in battle, certainly, but not enough that a good moveset doesn't trump the stat difference between species. And for all the bluster and shark frenzy we have for Legendaries, their capability to attack is exactly the same as other Pokemon of their type. Articuno was the most unique, in that there aren't many ice types to begin with, but watching Moltres and Zapdos in action gives me a lot of "I've seen this before" feelings.Personally I'd like to see some more moves unique to individual Pokemon - like Crab Hammer! Or more moves that are different, but uniquely useful - like Aqua Tail. If they ever brought back status effects, it'd go a long way to giving individual Pokemon species a lot of uniqueness, and to load for strategies other than straight DPS.Though with the memory problems this game already has, maybe wishing for even more unique animations and program calls is an ill-advised pipe dream.But hey, a trainer can hope, right? via /r/TheSilphRoad http://ift.tt/2vEmiN6
"Our Pokemon needs more diverse moves"
Reviewed by The Pokémonger
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