"An In-Depth Look at Quick Moves"

#PokemonGO: Hi all! I thought that it would be useful to look at different aspects of the existing quick moves and see how they all stack up. In addition I was really curious how certain types stacked up to other types. At the end, I delve into each type individually. If you are only interested in on type, then scroll on down!I looked at all the quick moves in the game. Here are a few decisions I made when doing this though.Not counting Hidden Power into the various type categories. I included it at one type-less entry when calculating the averages of all the moves.Splash is also type-less (I felt it would skew water unfavorably in an unfair way) and included solely for calculating average DPS and EGPS.I didn't include transform at all.I'm rounding to 3 decimals.All data taken from Silph Road websiteTo start, let's get a baseline. Let's look at averages across all types for duration in seconds, DPS, and EGPS (In that order):.928 seconds; 10.311 DPS; 10.413 EGPSNow let's look at types as a whole and see the best and worst of each: Fastest (in seconds):Normal - .58Poison - .733Dragon - .8; Dark - .8Water - .85Slowest(in seconds):Electric - 1.175 (Volt Switch is so slow. .8 without it)Psychic - 1.1Ice - 1.033Flying - 1, Ground - 1, Fire - 1Highest DPS:Rock - 13.33 (Rock Throw is the only entry)Dragon - 12.82Steel - 12.205Fire - 11.65Fighting - 10.75Lowest DPS:Electric - 8.218Ice - 9.037Bug - 9.148Ground - 9.52Ghost - 9.615Highest EGPS:Electric - 12.675Bug - 12.433Ghost - 11.45Ice - 11.297Water - 10.835Lowest EGPS:Dragon - 8.09Rock - 8.18Steel - 8.818Fire - 9.327Fighting - 9.77My takeaway is that in general there is a clear trade-off between DPS and EGPS. What if we look at specific moves though? Fastest:Fury Cutter - Bug - .4Bug Bite - Bug - .5; Bite - Dark - .5; Dragon Breath - Dragon - .5; Lick - Ghost - .5; Scratch - Normal - .5; Cut - Normal - .5; Tackle - Normal - .5; Water Gun - Water - .5Slowest:Volt Switch - Electric - 2.3Splash - Water - 1.73Confusion - Psychic - 1.6Hidden Power - ??? - 1.5; Struggle Bug - Bug - 1.5Highest DPS:Steel Wing - Steel - 13.75Dragon Tail - Dragon - 13.64; Iron Tail - Steel - 13.64Counter - Fighting - 13.33; Rock Throw - Rock - 13.33Lowest DPS:Powder Snow - Ice - 6Bullet Seed - Grass - 7.27; Astonish - Ghost - 7.27; Charge Beam - Electric - 7.27;Fury Cutter - Bug - 7.5Highest EGPS:Fury Cutter - Bug - 15; Powder Snow - Ice - 15Charge Beam - Electric - 13.64Thunder Shock - Electric - 13.33; Psycho Cut - Psychic - 13.33Lowest EGPS:Iron Tail - Steel - 6.36Razor Leaf - Grass - 7Rock Smash - Fighting - 7.69Steel Wing - Steel - 7.8Scratch - Normal - 8; Dragon Breath - Dragon - 8; Bite - Dark - 8Once again, we seem to be seeing the trade-off between EGPS and DPS. Now I'll break all the moves down by type. Let's see how well rounded type move pools are. They will be presented in Name - Duration - DPS - EGPS format, along with the average of each type. Please see Hidden Power here as an example (not including it elsewhere since it can be many types).Hidden Power - 1.5 - 10 - 10And as a reminder, here is the average of all moves: ALL: .928 seconds; 10.311 DPS; 10.413 EGPS BUG: .875 - 9.148 - 12.43Bug Bite - .5 - 10 - 12Fury Cutter - .4 - 7.5 - 15Infestation - 1.1 - 9.09 - 12.73Struggle Bug - 1.5 - 10 - 10Struggle Bug is inferior to Bug Bite entirely. DARK: .8 - 11.005 - 10.085Bite - .5 - 12 - 8Feint Attack - .9 - 11.11 - 10Snarl - 1.1 - 10.91 - 10.91Sucker Punch - .7 - 10 - 11.43Seems pretty balanced. DRAGON: .8 - 12.82 - 8.09Dragon Breath - .5 - 12 - 8Dragon Tail - 1.1 - 13.64 - 8.18Unless you like dodging, Dragon Tail is all around superior. ELECTRIC: 1.175 - 8.218 - 12.675Charge Beam - 1.1 - 7.27 - 13.64Spark - .7 - 8.57 - 12.85Thunder Shock - .6 - 8.33 - 13.33Volt Switch - 2.3 - 8.7 - 10.87Thunder Shock seems to have the best all around stats. FAIRY: .......:(We need these. FIGHTING: .95 - 11.218 - 9.77Counter - .9 - 13.33 - 8.89Karate Chop - .8 - 10 - 12.5Low Kick - .8 - 10 - 10Rock Smash - 1.3 - 10 - 7.69Counter and Karate Chop totally outclass Low Kick and Rock Smash. FIRE: 1 - 11.65 - 9.327Ember - 1 - 10 - 10Fire Fang - .9 - 12.22 - 8.89Fire Spin - 1.1 - 12.73 - 9.09Another well balanced type. Ember does seem to be the inferior move here though. And Fire Fang is only better if you like dodging. FLYING: 1 - 10.557 - 9.86Air Slash - 1.2 - 11.67 - 8.33Peck - 1 -10 - 10Wing Attack - .8 - 10 - 11.25Wing Attack totally outclasses Peck. GHOST: .875 - 9.615 - 11.45Astonish - 1.1 - 7.27 - 12.73Hex - 1.2 - 8.33 - 12.5Lick - .5 - 10 - 12Shadow Claw - .7 - 12.86 - 8.57Good variety here. I guess just go with your play style. GRASS: .9 - 10.647 - 9.91Bullet Seed - 1.1 - 7.27 - 12.73Razor Leaf - 1 - 13 - 7Vine Whip - .6 - 11.67 - 10Good variety. I think that Vine Whip will be easiest to use because of its speed though. GROUND: 1 - 9.52 - 10.12Mud Shot - .6 - 8.33 - 11.67Mud Slap - 1.4 - 10.71 - 8.57What a polarizing type. Either pick DPS or EPS. ICE: 1.033 - 9.037 - 11.297Frost Breath - .9 - 11.11 - 8.89Ice Shard - 1.2 - 10 - 10Powder Snow - 1 - 6 - 15Wow, look at Powder Snow; so much EPS. It charges almost twice as fast as Frost Breath. Frost Breath and Ice Shard seem pretty balanced though. NORMAL: .5 - 10.734 - 10.1Cut - .5 - 10 - 10Pound - .6 - 11.67 - 10Quick Attack - .8 - 10 - 12.5Scratch - .5 - 12 - 8Tackle - .5 - 10 - 10I like that Quick Attack is the slowest of all of these. Also, nothing really stands out. They seem pretty interchangable. POISON: .733 - 10.693 - 10.14Acid - .8 - 11.25 - 10Poison Jab - .8 - 12.5 - 8.75Poison Sting - .6 - 8.33 - 11.67Its basically a slightly slower Normal type. Quick and balanced. PSYCHIC: 1.1 - 10.663 - 10.678Confusion - 1.6 - 12.5 - 9.38Extrasensory - 1.1 - 10.91 - 10.91Psycho Cut - .6 - 8.33 - 13.33Zen Headbutt - 1.1 - 10.91 - 9.09Apparently all those headbutts aren't helping psychic powers, cause Zen Headbutt is clearly the inferior move here. ROCK: .9 - 13.33 - 8.18Rock Throw - .9 - 13.33 - 8.18Great damage, bad energy gain. Don't like it? Too bad. Its your only option. You HAVE to love it. Or you won't be doing a lot of Rock type damage. STEEL: .875 - 12.205 - 8.818Bullet Punch - .9 - 10 - 11.11Iron Tail - 1.1 - 13.64 - 6.36Metal Claw - .7 - 11.43 - 10Steel Wing - .8 - 13.75 - 7.8Great DPS and bad EGPS is the theme here. A very extreme type. WATER: .85 - 10 - 10.835Bubble - 1.2 - 10 - 11.67Water Gun - .5 - 10 - 10Do you dodge? No? Use Bubble. Oh you do? Then use Water Gun. And i think that's everything! I hope you got something out of this!EDIT: Major formatting fixes. Hopefully it's easier to read now. via /r/TheSilphRoad http://ift.tt/2gl2kkh
"An In-Depth Look at Quick Moves"
Reviewed by The Pokémonger
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