"Banette is the real deal, sort of: An Analysis"
#PokemonGO: Banette is the real deal, and should be in consideration as a specialist during specific raids.I'm writing this because this subreddit seems silent about Banette's usefulness, and because the current event makes Banette super easy to get with little resource drain. Get excited! You have a grindable goal this event! Stats:Banette: 218 / 127 / 128Gengar: 261 / 156 / 120Haunter: 223 / 112 / 90 Gengar clearly has the best stats of the three, its attack is simply too high for Banette to be considered anything but second best. That said, the stamina and defense boost over Haunter make Banette a better option than Haunter. Considering [legacy] Haunter was considered the 2nd best ghost overall, this is a nice bump! Typing:Banette is pure ghost, giving it an edge over Gengar only via no weakness to ground or psychic moves. Movesets:Shadow Claw (Sc) / Shadow Ball (Sb) These are incredibly efficient moves. Gengar and Haunter only have theses as a legacy moveset, meaning that you will not find or evolve a Gengar with these moves. If you are like me and transferred away your legacy Gengar last Halloween like a nincompoop, Banette is your only real option for this double ghost smackdown. Notably, Alakazam and Mewtwo also get Shadow Ball. Less notably, I do not have a Mewtwo. Shadow Claw / Dazzling Gleam Dazzling Gleam is great fairy move. No STAB, but it could be useful for clearing gyms? Meh. Raids:All data was taken from Pokebattler, level 30 attackers. Alakazam - Confusion/Focus BlastBanette is ranked the #3 counter behind Mewtwo and Sc/Sb Gengar. Sc/Sb Banette is tankier and has a higher TDO than any other Gengar moveset! Considering you cannot find a legacy Gengar or a Mewtwo, Banette is your best grindable choice in this matchup.When Alakazam has Psycho Cut instead, Banette drops far behind Gengar and other counters. Notably, Sc/Sb Banette always deals more dps than xx/Sb Alakazam (as an attacker) against raid Alakazam. Mewtwo - Psycho Cut/Hyper BeamBanette is worse than all xx/Sb versions of Gengar. However, it is ranked #4 overall by Pokebattler, behind Ttar, Mewtwo, and Gengar. It is better in this matchup than Scizor and Gyarados, having a higher dps than both. I wouldn't put too many in though, they will die super fast.Versus Confusion Mewtwo, do not start Banette. It will crumple too quickly. In many other raids, Banette is listed in the top 15 counters. Peruse Pokebattler, they are very excited by the addition of Banette. It is a glass cannon to be sure, but still useful! Sc/Sb is at your fingertips with a 218 atk mon! Get pumped! via /r/TheSilphRoad http://ift.tt/2ivVvjJ
"Banette is the real deal, sort of: An Analysis"
Reviewed by The Pokémonger
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