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"Anyone else embarrassed to be seen playing this game in public?"

#PokemonGO: I feel some honest embarrassment when I play this in public. I try to conceal it, sometimes I wiggle my thumbs like I'm texting so people don't know I'm playing pokemon go. When I have to finger swipe to throw the ball I tend to look to see if anyone happens to be glancing. I feel like it's cringy to see, I feel like a total nerd, like all that's missing is a fuckin anime sweatshirt or a deck of magic the gathering cards lmaoDoes anyone else feel like catching pokemon in public is kind of dumb and ultimately a spectacle of cringe? Don't get me wrong, I really love this game, and I love playing it and I doubt I'll stop, it's really fun for me, but I honestly feel like it's embarrassing to be doing this. via /r/pokemongo
"Anyone else embarrassed to be seen playing this game in public?" "Anyone else embarrassed to be seen playing this game in public?" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 13:45 Rating: 5

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