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"Best gym defenders line up"

#PokemonGO: Since taking down gyms hasn't been a time consuming and hard feat in the longest while I figured the best you can do is make it as annoying as possible for the attacker. In this post I'll always assume the defending Pokémon are perfect Lvl 40's and have an ideal defensive moveset. The stuff I talk about here is mostly my opinion and you don't have to agree with it but any input is welcome.After going through a list with some of the most valuable defenders (source: I came to the conclusion you want to reach a mix of good gym defenders (e.g. Blissey, Chansey, Snorlax) and decent ones that aren't beat down by machamp (e.g. Gardevoir) as easily. You'd want to alternate these defenders too to force the attacker to swap Pokémon or face the consequences. Ideally you'll have a defender order from weakest to strongest too. This is to weaken the battle party of the attacker by the time they reach the strongest Pokémon and to anticipate when to throw golden berries better.This is what my idea of an optimal gym looks like:1) Muk 2709cp (Infestation/DP)2) Snorlax 3355cp (ZH/BS or HS)3) Milotic 2967cp (DT/Blizzard or Surf)4) Chansey 1469cp (ZH/DG)5) Gardevoir 2964cp (Confusion/DG)6) Blissey 3219cp (ZH/DG)I start with Muk. This possibly seems weird to most of you but that's also its goal, to throw people off. A lot of people just have a team of machamps ready to attack any gym and Muk is fairly resistant to him. When people see him as the first defender they will either edit their party to deal with it or (and most likely) just ignore it cause it's just Muk right?After that it's mostly top defenders being alternated to force the attacker to switch Pokémon and not just steamroll through the gym with Machamps. Blissey being the last and hardest part.So this is my vision of what an ideal gym looks like, evidently there are other options aswell but I would like to find out what on average is the ideal defensive set-up.Any ideas about a better team, mistakes I've made in my post or stuff along these lines would be greatly appreciated!Edit: A lot of people have been mentioning to put Blissey first to go against people kicking Pokémon out one by one. This is indeed the common tactic but the idea of Muk is to make them think it isn't necessary which they'll likely notice only on the 3rd go around when everything is already berried. If they would choose to do this then for every pokemon it would take them atleast 10 rejoins and 15 battles alone to even reach Blissey without using berries.Also Slakoth likely attracts more attackers than it holds back. via /r/TheSilphRoad
"Best gym defenders line up" "Best gym defenders line up" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 23:50 Rating: 5

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