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"Utilizing the search feature in your Pokemon storage"

#PokemonGO: You can search by species name, nickname, pokemon type, pokedex number, pokemon family, CP, HP, weather boost, move type or specific move as well as by a few keywords.To elaborate on some of those:• Search multiple pokemon by pokedex number by typing commas between the numbers.Example: "10,13,16,265,293" brings up Caterpie, Weedle, Pidgey, Wurmple and Whismur.(These happen to be all the pokemon that take only 12 candy to evolve. This search is handy for doing lucky eggs and mass evolving these pokemon.)• You can also search chunks of the pokedex by putting a dash(-) between pokedex numbers.Example: 243-245 brings up Raikou, Entei and Suicune.• You can search with a dash after a number for a quick way to bring up a pokemon and every pokemon that follows after it by pokedex number or search with a dash before a number to bring up a pokemon and every pokemon preceding it. You need to have your storage sorted by number if you want them to appear in order.Examples: "66-" brings up Machop and everything that comes after it. "-9" brings up the Kanto starter families (sort by CP and see your strongest!)• To search by family, type a + symbol before the pokemon name.Example: "+eevee" brings up Eevee and all the Eeveelutions.• To search by a specific CP, type cp[x]. For a CP range, type cp[x]-[x]. To search for CP above an amount, type cp[x]- or for CP below an amount, type "cp-[x]".Examples: "cp3000" brings up pokemon with exactly 3000CP. "cp3000-" brings up pokemon with CP of 3000 and above. "cp-100" brings up pokemon with less than 100CP.• To search by a specific HP, type hp[x]. For a HP range, type cp[x]-[x]. To search for HP above an amount, type hp[x]- or for HP below an amount, type "hp-[x]".Examples: "hp100" brings up pokemon with exactly 100HP. "hp220-" brings up pokemon with HP of 220 and above. "hp-20" brings up pokemon with less than 20CP.• To search for pokemon that are currently weather boosted, type "@weather".• To search pokemon with a move type, type @[move type].Example: "@grass" brings up all pokemon with grass moves.• To search pokemon for a specific move, type @[move].Example: "@stone edge" brings up all pokemon with the move Stone Edge.• Other searches include:"evolve" for all pokemon you have enough candy to evolve"defender" for pokemon defending gyms"shiny" for shiny pokemon"legendary" for legendary pokemon"mythical" for mythical pokemon"alola" or "alolan" for alolan pokemon"traded" for traded pokemon• For some of these search terms, you can add an "&" symbol to add inputs together.Examples: "blissey&cp2800-" brings up all Blisseys over 2800CP and "tyranitar&cp3000-&@smack down" brings up all Tyranitars over 3000cp with the move Smack Down.• To search multiple things at once, use a comma (",")Examples: "rock,fire" brings up Rock-type as well as Fire-type pokemon. "cp368,cp629,cp387" brings up the pokemon with those CP values.Let me know if there's something I've missed!Edit: Added more inputs from the comments below. (Thank-you!) via /r/TheSilphRoad
"Utilizing the search feature in your Pokemon storage" "Utilizing the search feature in your Pokemon storage" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 02:57 Rating: 5

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