"A Breakdown of What's Expected To Come"

#PokemonGO: Breakdown subject to change Original Post by Niantic•Changes to Pokémon Migration and BehaviorNiantic: in preparation for the arrival of Pokémon originally discovered in the Sinnoh region, we are making two key shifts to the game balance in the coming weeksGen4 will arrive in a few weeks and it sounds as if we could expect these changes prior to gen4.Niantic: We are making adjustments to weather and, moving forward, it will have a reduced effect on the rate at which Pokémon appearThis one sounds fuzzy but I believe what will happen is that when a typing's species is boosted by weather we won't see a surge of them spamming spawn points. So hopefully no more increasingly annoying high rates of regionals and common spawns everywhere.Niantic: As you explore a given area, you will notice that a greater variety of Pokémon species will appear over time and at different ratesNests will feature pokémon that share the same typing?Niantic: Certain areas, such as parks and nature reserves, will now contain more varied Pokémon species.Brilliant. Better spawns at places that are labeled as parks in OpenStreetMap.•Changes to Pokémon Effectiveness in BattleNiantic: CP values will be adjusted going forward to improve game balanceIVs will not be affected. The only changes to your 100% dunsparce will be its HP, defense and CP.Niantic: HP values will be adjusted to close the gap between high HP Pokémon and low HP PokémonExpect to see pokémon with poorly balanced HP values such as absol, gengar, kingler, hariyama, scizor, ursaring(?) and flareon to name a few become viable choices for certain situations soon. Blissey, chansey, slaking and other tanks will be far less bulky. So don't expect them to be the best defenders anymore.Niantic: Pokémon Defense and Stamina values will be retroactively rebalanced, allowing highly defensive Pokémon to be valuable in battle by outlasting opponents rather than simply running out the clock.This sounds very much like a PvP battle. The result will be defensively strong pokémon performing better offensively than any other pokémon.Niantic: Defense values have also been (me: past tense?) slightly retroactively reduced for most Pokémon. Changes like these will help narrow the gap between Pokémon with the highest defensive stats and other PokémonDefenseless pokémon will now have more defense which will in turn increase their total damage output. via /r/pokemongo https://ift.tt/2pJXNfh
"A Breakdown of What's Expected To Come"
Reviewed by The Pokémonger
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