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"How every ability could work in PoGo Vol. 3 deluxe edition: Solid Rock -"

#PokemonGO: Sorry for the delay, I've been caught up in some things recently. Anyway, here's the same intro I've used on my other two posts.Oh, and one quick thing, if an ability seems absolutely busted, check what Pokemon get that ability. You'll often find them rather inconsequential. Here's a handy list: release would have been the perfect time to add abilities. People often insist abilities would be too complicated to be added, so I'm making a list of every ability in gens 1-4 and proposing a way they could be added relatively easily.In addition, some Pokemon have hidden abilities. I propose that hidden abilities be acquired through Special Research, Breakthroughs, and Community Days. In addition, abilities should be changeable with Ability Capsules, which should be exceedingly rare Raid and Research rewards. So, without further ado, away we go!Check out vol. 1 here: out vol. 2 here: Rock: The user gains +1 resistance to water, grass, and fire.Natural Cure: The user gains +1 resistance to poison.Serene Grace: When the user dodges, it takes no damage.Leaf Guard: When defending a gym, the user's grass moves are boosted by 20%.Scrappy: Gives the user +2 resistances to ghost.Parental Bond: All the user's moves are boosted by 50%.Water Veil: The user gains +1 resistance to fire.Illuminate: When the user is your buddy, shiny chance is doubled. (Oh god community day)Filter: When this Pokemon is your buddy and you use incense, all spawns have a 7/7/7 IV floor.Light Metal: The user takes 50% less damage from the moves Low Kick and Grass Knot.Motor Drive: The user's Thunder Shock and Charge Beams gain +1 energy.Mold Breaker: The user's moves are unaffected by enemy abilities.Moxie: When the user knocks out an opponent, it gains +50 energy.Aerilate: This Pokemon gains its own version of Normal moves which are instead flying-type and boosted by 20%.Imposter: The user's Transform also copies the opponent's base HP.Anticipation: When the user is in your party for a raid or gym battle, you can see what moves the raid boss/gym defenders have before entering battle.Quick Feet: The user's moves have their damage windows moved to the start of the attack.Volt Absorb: The user gains motivation over time in rainy weather.Magic Bounce: Guarantees candy when fed a berry.Pixilate: Aerilate, but for fairy.Immunity: The user gains +2 resistances to poisonDownload: When this Pokemon finds a candy as your buddy, an option to reroll hidden power type will appear.Pressure: Attacks against the user generate 1 less energy than usual.Marvel Scale: The user provides 100 stardust when fed a berry.Multiscale: The user takes 20% less damage from charged moves.Super Luck: When the user is your buddy, you receive +2 reward bundles for completing raids.Plus: If in a battle party or gym with a user of Minus, the user's moves do 20% more damage.Huge Power: Permanently doubles the user's attack stat.Sap Sipper: The user gains +2 resistances to grass.Speed Boost: The user's quick moves have their animation time halved.Prankster: If the user defeats you in battle, the trainer that owns it will steal one of your berries at random. If a raid boss steals it, the stolen berry(s) are returned to you after beating the raid boss.Telepathy: The user gains +1 resistance to Psychic.Poison Heal: The user gains motivation over time in cloudy weather.Contrary: The user starts at low motivation and gains motivation over time and when defeated. When the user reaches full motivation, it is knocked out of the gym.Pickpocket: If this Pokemon defeats you (as in you have to rejoin if a raid or lose completely if a gym) it or the trainer that owns it steals 1% of your current stardust. Can be gotten back by defeating the raid boss.Honey Gather: When this Pokemon is your buddy, Pokestops have a rare chance to drop Honey, which works like incense that attracts only the following: Aipom, Heracross if applicable, Wurmple, Silcoon, Cascoon, Plant Cloak Burmy, Combee, Cherubi, and Munchlax.Magma Armor: The user gains +1 resistance to ice.Moody: The user's IVs are rerolled every night at midnight.Suction Cups: When the user is your buddy, wild water-type Pokemon cannot flee.Sand Stream: When the user is your buddy, it works like a permanent incense (capped at 12 spawns a day) that can spawn the following: Sandshrew, Diglett, Alolan Diglett, Geodude, Gligar, Larvitar, Cacnea, Gible, Nosepass, Shellos, Hippowdon, and Phanpy.Truant: This Pokemon gains energy half as quickly, but its charged moves do double the damage.Wonder Guard: This Pokemon gains +292 resistances to all types except fire, rock, ghost, flying, and dark.Normalize: Aerilate, but it affects all types and makes them normal.Stall: The user can hold up to 200 energy in battle.Heavy Metal: This rockin' Pokemon takes 20% less damage from the move Heavy Slam.Pure Power: The user's charge moves deal 2.5x damage.Minus: Identical to Plus, but requires a Plus user to activate.Rough Skin: When the user feints, the opponent takes damage equivalent to a crunch from the user.Strong Jaw: The following moves are boosted by 20%: Fire Fang, Bite, Crunch, Hyper Fang, and Poison Fang.Simple: The user does not lose motivation over time, but loses all its motivation after being defeated once.White Smoke: When this Pokemon is your buddy, Pokemon you place in gyms cannot be seen by players on other teams until they enter the battle.Toxic Boost: The user's normal moves are boosted by 20% in cloudy weather.Storm Drain: The user gains +2 resistances to water in rainy weather.Forecast: When this Pokemon enters battle, its form may change based on weather. Only a temporary transformation, like Ditto's.Color Change: The user changes types when the weather changes, randomly becoming one of the boosted types.Protean: The user gains STAB on all of its moves.Refrigerate: Aerilate, but for ice.Primordial Sea: The user's Origin Pulse has an extra 20 base power.Desolate Land: The user's Precipice Blades has an extra 20 base power.Air Lock: Nullfies abilities dependant on weather.Delta Stream: Sets the weather in-battle to windy. Does not work against raid bosses.Flower Gift: The user's allies in battle have all their moves boosted by 10% in sun.Flare Boost: The user gains energy twice as quickly when sharing a party or gym with a fire-type Pokemon.Klutz: The user drops candies twice as often when fed berries and being caught.Heatproof: The user gains +1 resistance to fire.Slow Start: The user gains energy half as quickly.Bad Dreams: The user's energy gain is doubled at night.Multitype: Arceus's signature ability. Queue special research quests to acquire "plates" which, when used on Arceus, work like evolution and change its form and movepool. Each plate can be used an unlimited number of times. via /r/TheSilphRoad
"How every ability could work in PoGo Vol. 3 deluxe edition: Solid Rock -" "How every ability could work in PoGo Vol. 3 deluxe edition: Solid Rock -" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 03:14 Rating: 5

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