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"Am I transferring/evolving correctly?"

#PokemonGO: I am transfering pokemon with a high CP but low IV and keeping pokemon with a high IV regardless of their CP.My understanding is that the only way IV/stats change is to trade it afterwards. I ran a few tests on pokemon with higher CP but low IV vs slightly/moderately lower CP but a high IV and found the ones with the better IV actually had better stats. For example I had a 1110 CP ponyta with an IV of 62% that had a 6/9/13 but I also had a 1031 ponyta with an IV of 82% that had stats of 10/14/13. A third Ponyta was 1009 CP but appraised at 49% with the stats of 6/2/14.From that my understanding is to keep the high IV pokemon even if they are low CP and just power them up because when they do get to the same CP as the low IV ones they will have an advantage. This has left me transfering high level charmanders with 712 CP that would evolve into a charizard with possibly 1602-2303. With my current understanding of things this has caused me to evolve a charmander with double digit CP into a charizard with 380 CP. While thats about level 5 for a charizard, I will have to pump him full of candy to make him battle effective but he will come out stronger in the end. Basically more effort for more reward in the end.Is that a correct understanding of IVs and am I doing this correctly? via /r/pokemongo
"Am I transferring/evolving correctly?" "Am I transferring/evolving correctly?" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 23:12 Rating: 5

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