"Pokemon Go Under 1500CP: A Meta and IV Analysis"
#PokemonGO: I’ve put this post together to address a few things that people have been asking.First: Is TDO the biggest determinant of how a Pokemon will do in PVP?Second: How do IVs play into level caps?I’ll throw down some assumptions:The optimal moves will be used by all Pokemon.No shields are going to be used - obviously that’ll play into strategy quite a bit.The battle mechanics haven’t changed from gym and raid battles - other than getting rid of the pause between moves for the opponent, and no double hp on the opponent. Obviously.IVs are listed ATK/DEF/HP.And some credits:I used GoBattleSim for battle simulationsI looked up CP formulas on GamepressI used Pokemon Base stats from the TDO spreadsheet by u/qmike/ u/dhanson865-------In terms of TDO, a lot of people have seen this spreadsheet, it was posted to the road a few days ago: https://ift.tt/2QiuAIo. At first glance, Chansey looks like it’s going to be absolutely unbelievable. It is - but that’s not the whole story. I’m sure people will adhere to some local rules to ensure the meta isn’t stale - banning Chansey all together might be the best move. Three level 40 Chanseys would be a fairly hard to beat team unless you had a team that counters it perfectly.Lets look at some hypothetical Pokemon and battle them. I’ve made some picks that could potentially shape the meta - obviously it’s yet to be seen.A level 40 Chansey with 15/15/15 IVs would be carrying Zen Headbutt and Dazzling Gleam/Hyper Beam.You’re using a Medicham at level 40 with 15/15/15 carrying Counter and Dynamic Punch/Ice Punch.Chansey uses only Hyper Beam as the charged move, Medicham only uses Dynamic Punch.Medicham wins with 7 Hit Points left.Now lets say you want to take out that Medicham. Assume it’s back at full health, since we’re just doing simulations for IV sake. Let’s use Drifblim, fairly tankish, with Hex and Shadow Ball (other charge move is irrelevant)Looking at different IV combinations for Drifblim, I’ve simulated some battles against Medicham with CPs under 1500. The last column is HP remaining on Drifblim after the battle. Assume Medicham uses Ice Punch.PokemonLevelAtk_IVDef_IVHP_IVCPHP RemainingDrifblim22151515149772Drifblim26000149772Drifblim241500148960Drifblim240150147276Drifblim25.50015149580Drifblim22.515015149367Drifblim23.501515147683So there’s some interesting stuff happening. We can draw some conclusions with some obvious caveats:A high attack IV isn’t the best way to go. Balanced mons are better than 15/0/0s. High HP and defence IVs are most important. High attack IV actually hurts you in terms of survivability.Why? Because in the CP formula, HP and Defence are taken to the ½ power, whereas Attack isn’t. As most people know, the conventional wisdom is that attack has more impact on CP than the other two stats. That’s why.Obviously, break points matter - but it’ll be difficult to determine them before going into a battle because they’ll depend greatly on the IVs of your (undetermined yet) opponent.I was going to end the post now, but I also ran some simulations on using a Lapras to attack into Drifblim - probably a good bet because I’m sure the meta will be full of flying types like Lugia.PokemonLevelAtk_IVDef_IVHP_IVCPHP RemainingLapras19.5151515147178Lapras23000148683Lapras220150148283Lapras22.50015149390Lapras21.501515148789Just to demonstrate another case - this time HP is better than both HP and DEF perfect.I’m sure I’ve messed up somewhere in my calculations, but I do think they’re pretty solid - let me know if you find errors.TL;DR: Chansey is beatable. HP and Def are more useful than ATK for PVP. via /r/TheSilphRoad https://ift.tt/2EeygEv
"Pokemon Go Under 1500CP: A Meta and IV Analysis"
Reviewed by The Pokémonger
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