"A personal account of feebas day"

#PokemonGO: Warning: here be opinion amongst fact.Initially, I was excited by the new idea of a 3 hour stop shiny day, but when I read the released quest lines, I became tenuous.Ho hum, says I, let's give it a whirl regardless! Sadly though, within 30 minutes I was bored. A combination of misthrown balls so missing 'great' and correctly throwing correctly creating many one ball catch scenarios meant too often I was sat on an empty screen devoid of pokemon to attempt the throw quests.Now some of you will see the other issue, by working on these quests, I was then too full to have buddy or egg ones going. So I then needed to balance - which do I work on? Do I keep one ticking in the background and then only have 2 throw quests?As I said though, by 30 minutes I stopped caring... Though we did persevere and continue, by the end of the three hour window, the four accounts in the car were all bored and tired.We ended on 1 shiny total in approx 70 encounters between us all. Mathematically speaking, even with CD rates of 1 in 25 and looking at worst case scenario of shiny RNG luck, we'd have needed to hit all 60/70 stops in our town in the three hours to 'guarantee' ourselves a shiny.I have read from other forums that 1 in 75 is being speculated. From our community, this seems about right or possibly even rarer. Given the time consuming nature of the quests and time frame, this seems like a slight (/s) oversight.Overall, incredibly disappointed with today and hoped for something more...GL to the rest of the world! via /r/TheSilphRoad http://bit.ly/2CuzCaS
"A personal account of feebas day"
Reviewed by The Pokémonger
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