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"So you are going to Brazil's safari zone? Have this Handbook and Ask a local anything!"

#PokemonGO: You should soon be receiving the invitation to first Latin America Safari Zone! (Or not)If you are one of the lucky winners that will be attending the event, you just won the lottery twice! I'm a Local and have made this handbook so your trip to Brazil can be a little easier. If you guys need any proof about this, we can figure out something. As always, my English is not perfect so please bear with me.I'll put out some tips, feel free to ask questions. I'll try to keep up with the questions.Most relevant ones will be added to the main post. Google is your friend to find images about what is being told here​About the City:You'll be heading to Porto Alegre, Capital city of Rio Grande do Sul (State).The currency used is "Real" or "Reais" (when more than one Real). Current rates are 3,74 Reais for 1 USD.Average temperature being around 90 Fahrenheit, I't can get way over it. Make sure you bring your sunscreen.​I'm at the airport, what's next?The easy way out: Get an Uber to your hotel. I'd suggest Uber over an usual taxi.You will be paying by card, so less chance to be scammed or overcharged. Also you don't have to mess with the local currency.​Wanna some adventure from the beginning? Try the "Aeromóvel"There is a video for reference:'ll probably need some cash to enter it, I don't know if credit card is accepted.You will be stopping at a metro station, where you can take another train to the hearth of the city.Make sure you stop by "Estação Mercado". If you do, you'll be here.órico,+Porto+Alegre+-+RS,+90030-051/Centro+Cultural+Usina+do+Gasômetro+-+Avenida+Presidente+João+Goulart+-+Centro+Histórico,+Porto+Alegre+-+RS/@-30.0302142,-51.2389799,16z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m13!4m12!1m5!1m1!1s0x9519790c283150cd:0x91128011701a151f!2m2!1d-51.2281624!2d-30.0262687!1m5!1m1!1s0x95197916eb04dc4d:0x3256b59744f76ead!2m2!1d-51.241082!2d-30.0341319There is a route to the event zone.​Where is the event happening?It will be happening between these two places, following the river. (This is according to the information we have from Niantic so far. Keep an eye out in case of changes)​ômetro/Parque+Marinha+do+Brasil+-+Av.+Borges+de+Medeiros,+2035+-+Centro+Histórico,+Porto+Alegre+-+RS,+90020-021/@-30.0420346,-51.2437439,15z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m13!4m12!1m5!1m1!1s0x95197916eb04dc4d:0x3256b59744f76ead!2m2!1d-51.241082!2d-30.0341319!1m5!1m1!1s0x951978fda613c2ed:0x48f6f16de830ffd1!2m2!1d-51.2301607!2d-30.0493275​Do's and Don'ts:- Always walk on the most populated streets. If you go out of your way for a Pokémon, make sure to get back to the main street.​- Be careful about your mobile. Be extra careful on this zone. If you keep your mobile on your pocket there, you'll have a higher chance it will stay there.,-51.2248633/-30.0265198,-51.2257756/@-30.0300565,-51.224375,16.5z/data=!4m19!4m18!1m15!3m4!1m2!1d-51.2217101!2d-30.0296029!3s0x95197907f0945fe7:0x6a033c940215d9ed!3m4!1m2!1d-51.2268274!2d-30.0307932!3s0x95197905fefcb277:0x65c0179158ee30ec!3m4!1m2!1d-51.2285046!2d-30.027464!3s0x9519790e928bd3bb:0xddd2a23a3f241891!1m0!3e2​- You don't have to take anything you are handled on the street. Most of the time it will be just a flyer or similar. Better safe than sorry.​- People in Brazil are all about "touching and hugging" each other, so a stranger might ending hugging you on a way to say "Hello"​- If you want to be scam proof regarding your food, just make sure you buy it at a large supermarket, Walmart or Walmart-ish. People can't up the price as soon as they realize you are a tourist​- Buy your water on Walmart and take it to the event. It will be cheap, safer and hassle free.​- Need to pee? Try a large shopping center if possible. Large supermarkets are also an option.​- If you like beef/meet, make sure to try one of the traditional "Churrascarias". Make sure they take Credit card. It's rare, but a few won't.​- Wanna order some food? Download a delivery app (like iFood) and get something ordered to your door. You can also pay by card, directly on the app.​- YOU DON'T NEED TO TIP ANYONE! Feel free to do so, but nobody is expecting it. Fancy places will have the tip already included on your bill/check​Places to go:Redenção - Parque Farroupilhação/@-30.0368367,-51.2182483,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x951978534879152d:0xa9522f5e1a9af85b!8m2!3d-30.0368367!4d-51.2160596There are some players that meet up at this place.​Museu da Pucências+e+Tecnologia+-+PUCRS+-+Partenon,+Porto+Alegre+-+RS,+90160-092/@-30.0571566,-51.1931072,14z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x951977fe5709de25:0xe042d51477028b30!8m2!3d-30.0584905!4d-51.1759731Largest museum of science and technology of the Latin America. It's interactive! You can touch everything. There is a fee to enter.​Ônibus Linha TurismoWhat is it?​Where to board it: (I won't point exact locations since I'm unsure about it. Information was taken from City's website)CIT TERMINAL LINHA TURISMO (Travessa do Carmo, 84 – Cidade Baixa)CIT MERCADO PÚBLICO ( Largo Glênio Peres, s/n – Centro Histórico)You should also be able to get the ticket right there.​Any shopping mall you can find, a few suggestions:Bourbon Wallig​Shopping Praia de Belas​Arena do Grêmio.It's a soccer stadium featured on the Brazil's world soccer cup. There is a museum and guided tour.êmio&oe=UTF-8&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiF7b3Wrd3fAhVBlJAKHeGrB9MQ_AUIDigB​Cidade BaixaThe bohemian part of the city! Get some drink and listen to some good music. Take a walk around, find a place that you find interesting. It's your to explore.,+Porto+Alegre+-+RS/@-30.0410442,-51.2231022,17.75z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x951978ffc20b1ca1:0x1e84430b2c8039ef!8m2!3d-30.0401989!4d-51.2226127​Mercado PúblicoSomewhat next to the event place, try the "sanduíche de mortadela do mercadão".úblico+de+Porto+Alegre/@-30.0277098,-51.2299723,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x951978fd87d8621b:0xd0413b8f8b08637a!8m2!3d-30.0277098!4d-51.2277836​​How to communicate:A good tip is to have these written somewhere, or on your phone. So you can just show this to a native and they will understand. No need to worry about pronounce.​- I want some water / I want to buy some water- Eu quero água / Eu quero comprar água​- I need a toilet / Where is the toilet?- Eu preciso ir ao banheiro / Onde fica o banheiro?​- I'm tired / I want to get back to the hotel.- Estou cansado / Eu quero voltar para o hotel​- How much is this? / I'll take it (I'll buy it)- Quanto custa isso? / Eu vou querer comprar​- Do you recommend a restaurant close to the hotel?- Você recomendo algum restaurante perto do hotel?​If you have any other sentences you would like a translation for, just let me know. via /r/TheSilphRoad
"So you are going to Brazil's safari zone? Have this Handbook and Ask a local anything!" "So you are going to Brazil's safari zone? Have this Handbook and Ask a local anything!" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 19:30 Rating: 5

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