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"List of GAME_MASTER properties"

#PokemonGO: It doesn't look like there has been a comprehensive guide for interpreting the GAME_MASTER, so I want to get a list started, though the information is, at this point, incomplete.If you have any info on how to complete the list, I'll update this post as it comes in. Anything with question marks means I threw in an educated guess. Thanks.templateId - unique identifier for each species/formmodelScale - ??? (some value used to determine model size)type and type2 - types (duh)cameradiskRadiusMcylinderRadiusMcylinderHeightHeightMshoulderModeScaleencounter - settings for a Pokemon during a wild encounterbaseCaptureRate - base value for calculating catch ratecollisionRadiusM - ???collisionHeightMcollisionHeadRadiusM - ???movementType - how a Pokemon dodgesJUMP, FLYING, HOVERING, PSYCHIC, ELECTRIC, or nonemovementTimerS - ???jumpTimeS - duration (in seconds) for a Jump animationThis is only used if movementType = JUMPattackTimerS - ???attackProbability - probability wild Pokemon will attack at a decision pointdodgeProbability - probability wild Pokemon will dodge at a decision pointdodgeDurationS - duratioin (in seconds) for a dodge animationThis is only used for dodges if movementType != JUMPdodgeDistance - distance wild Pokemon moves when it dodgescameraDistance - distance from Trainer to wild Pokemon during an encounterminPokemonActionFrequencyS - minimum possible duration (in seconds) between action decision points of wild Pokemon in Lure/Incense encountersValue is 0.2 for all PokemonmaxPokemonActionFrequencyS - duration (in seconds) between action decision points of wild Pokemon in standard encountersValue is 1.6 for all Pokemonstats - base stat values for HP (stamina), Attack, Defense. Self explanatoryquickMoves - array of possible Fast Attacks (excludes Legacy or Event moves)cinematicMoves - array of possible Charged Attacks (excludes Legacy and Event)animationTime - array of 8 numbers for specific animationsMay possibly include Jump (may possibly be 2-3 separate animations), Idle, Idle2, Fast Attack, Charged Attack/Cry, Flinch, FaintevolutionPips - ???evolutionIDs - array of IDs of possible evolutions (possible retired)rarity - determines if Pokemon is LEGENDARY or MYTHICALpokedexHeightM - average height (in meters) of a speciespokedexWeightKg - average weight (in kilograms) of a speciesheightStdDev - standard deviation of species heightalmost always equals pokedexHeigthM / 8weightStdDev - standard deviation of species weightalmost always equals pokedexWeightKg / 8familyId - species evolutionary family and CandycandyToEvolve - retired value to determine evolution costThis value is 25 for most newer PokemonkmBuddyDistance - distance (in km) that a Buddy must be walked to get a CandybuddySize - Buddy model's position in relation to Trainer's avatarmodelHeight - height of Pokemon modelcorrelates imperfectly with pokedexHeightMevolutionBranch - array of evolution and corresponding costsevolution - species ID of evolutionevolutionItemRequirement - ID of any needed evolutionary itemcandyCost - cost to evolve into evolution speciesgenderRequirement - any gender restrictions for the evolutionmodelScaleV2 - value used to calculate model size in wild encountersPalkia's model was moved "closer" by changing this from 0.33 to 0.77, without changing cameraDistancebuddyOffsetMale - array of 3 numbers, possibly to determine Buddy's position in relation to Trainer's avatarbuddyOffsetFemale - array of 3 numbers, possibly to determine Buddy's position in relation to female Trainer's avatar (?)buddyScale - value to determine model height of Buddy model (???)thirdMove - cost to teach Pokemon a second Charged AttackstardustToUnlock - Stardust costcandyToUnlock - Candy costisTransferable - can be sent to Nintendo SwitchisDeployable - can be deployed to defend a Gym​Cylinder Hypothesis:A wild Pokemon's "hitbox" is based on a horizontal cylinder from the GAME_MASTER, with a "radius" that determines how wide the hit box is and a "height" that determines how deep the hitbox is.​ via /r/TheSilphRoad
"List of GAME_MASTER properties" "List of GAME_MASTER properties" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 00:06 Rating: 5

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