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"[Question] Why aren't there more spawns at parks? A case for why we should have loads of spawns at parks."

#PokemonGO: Why don't I play this game in parks?Because a couple years ago, cell phone activity was not as dense in parks compared to other places. Cell phone activity from years passed dictates where the spawns are now.This is why people are incentivized to drive and catch - because there are more Pokemon on the road.Recently i stopped car driving with others because I realized it was dangerous. I consider myself somewhat of a hardcore player. I often catch 1000 Pokemon a day (3-4 days a week) , sometimes I hit the catch cap, I do about 50 raids a week, and my battle girl is 30k. Almost 180 Mil xp. Higher than the average player, but not at the top.That said, focusing on catches is one of my primary objectives.This past month I had to reevaluate how I was playing the game because I noticed the drivers who play touch their phones excessively and drive at the same time.It's ridiculous that I only noticed now. Maybe I was having too much fun before. Maybe I chose not to notice because I was making so much progress. Maybe the players who drive are touching their phones more than they used to.I think what really did it was bringing a casual player into my car a few weeks ago and invited them to go with others as well. One of the comments he made: "I like going with XYZ player and you because you guys aren't touching your phones all the time".Fresh set of eyes, I guess.Examples: picking up their phone to do 3 great throw quests while the drive. Shiny checking as they drive. Checking the chats to see if anything rare was reported. Constantly purging unwanted quests.All while driving - sometimes their eyes are on the road and sometimes they're not. Sometimes you see a pedestrian and sometimes you don't.I had to stop playing with my main group that car drives because I felt unsafe. All but one of us who would take turns driving was actually safe about it in my opinion. I've avoided having the conversation about why. How do you say "Thanks for driving me around, but I feel like you're putting my life in danger by distracted driving all the time and even though the only reason you're driving around is to play Pokemon go I expect you not to touch your phone if I'm in your car"?That's not a conversation I feel confident in having.I also don't want to have to be the only responsible one and just gotcha 5 days a week while everyone does quests and fast catches in the back. Taking turns was good, but now when I'm the passenger I just don't feel safe.So now I've been playing on foot outside of raiding.Instead of catching 900-1000a day I'm now around 500-600 because I just can't compete with car driving.The game encourages people to car drive for catches and break the law by distracted driving. It's more efficient.The hardest part is getting to clusters.I do judge the way my friends play. It's not safe, and one day they'll hurt someone,but they're too wrapped up in the game to see it. Despite the stats I've listed, I'm pretty far behind in most categories compared to the people I play with. It's competitive, and that warps your view of what's acceptable in order to compete with others.A partial solution:Give parks and green spaces a huge amount of clusters. Triple them. Make walking in this game an rewarding way to play in terms of efficiency.I'm not saying take away the clusters that are on roads... I'm not out for revenge and hoping my friends will be less efficient. It's their prerogative if they want to catch and drive.But allow for a decent alternative.During the Star dust event I was faced with the choice: do I feel unsafe and drive with distracted drivers for more stardust, or do I grind at some parks and put the gas money towards lures so I'm catch a decent amount?There's NO reason Niantic can't take a look at green spaces on the map and say "give these places more spawns so people can walk and play at the same efficiency"Triple the spawns in parks. There's no good argument against it./#giveparksclustersAlso, with respect to pokestops, instead of adding more, one solution could be that if the stop is located within the green space on the map, it awards extra items. Just thought of that after the fact... adding pokestops is a whole other issue. via /r/TheSilphRoad
"[Question] Why aren't there more spawns at parks? A case for why we should have loads of spawns at parks." "[Question] Why aren't there more spawns at parks? A case for why we should have loads of spawns at parks." Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 23:47 Rating: 5

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