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"Guy who ghosted me still sends me gifts on Pokémon and it is so funny!"

#PokemonGO: This guy I was seeing is super into Pokémon go. The funny thing is, on our first date he was super cheap and honestly I wasn't into him that much. But we kept in contact anyway. I sent him a picture of a Pokémon that I caught that he really wanted and soon after he invited me on a second date. This time he actually offered to pay for the whole thing which really surprised me lol. But afterwards he did ask me to trade my Pokémon. He also wanted me to give up one of my 2016 Pokémon that he also liked because he wanted the Pokémon to be lucky. Anyways, since he was being an immature brat about it (literally imagine a grown man throwing a tantrum) I finally just traded it to him and got sht Pokémon in return. Maybe a week after he just stopped returning my texts but he still sends me gifts everyday. I'm wondering what excuse he will have if we ever become lucky friends or if I get another Pokémon he really wants lol.Don't care much about him but low key kinda regretting losing my 2016 Pokémon and giving him a high IV shiny. via /r/pokemongo
"Guy who ghosted me still sends me gifts on Pokémon and it is so funny!" "Guy who ghosted me still sends me gifts on Pokémon and it is so funny!" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 22:28 Rating: 5

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