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"Reason for gap since last Gen 4 Wave - Because there won't be another wave at all?"

#PokemonGO: For those who haven't already noticed, the 2 month gap between new waves of Gen 4 pokemon has been an unusually long one. In fact, this is only made worse by the fact that many of these new releases are still difficult to find in the wild now if they aren't in raids or such. Now, we've all heard the complaints, and I largely agree with them. Gen 4 has not been handled very well in my view. It's been too spread out, spawns have been poor, and the small increments and poor spawn rate make the hunt more frustrating than it is rewarding.But could this be because the last early Feb wave was in fact the final wave we were going to be receiving for the generation after all?In Generation 2-3, at least 4 set of pokemon were held back for months and only released recently, or still haven't come out at all, nincada line, clamperl line, kecleon, and smeargle. Each of these were problematic and gimmick based in some way (even if prior mechanics to support their evolution lines did already exist), which meant that they ended up being reserved for special events. We're almost finally caught up with these 2 gens, but even now it's still not quite done.Could this be the main reason/fate of the remaining Gen 4 pokemon, and the reason why we haven't seen another wave?Consider the remaining Pokemon Evolution Lines/Sinnoh Stone PokemonBurmyCherubiShellosGibleHippopotasRotomGlaceonLeafeonProbopassMagnezoneMime Jr.7-10 are location based prior gen evolutions. While this doesn't mean they necessarily have to follow that mechanic, it does propose a possible reason why we're still waiting for them if they're trying to implement a specific biome, weather, (or worse yet, regional) based evolutionary mechanic in game. 1-3 also are similar in that 2's evolution is impacted by weather and 1 and 3's by possible locations based evolution (biome for Burmy? Regional for Shellos?). 11 almost certainly is causing chaos internally because it is connected to a current regional exclusive evolution. 6 has been speculated to be tied to either the camera, or will simply be difficult to release in general due to appliances not being related to any existing mechanics like weather. Only 4-5 don't seem to have any evolution gimmicks that won't work with the current game's normal mechanics. However, Gible seems very popular/powerful, and is likely something they want to exploit for a special release (Eggs, raids), unfortunately.In short, Gen 4's mass "waves" may already be finished, and the rest are going to be special event based releases like Mamoswine was.I've already got enough candy/rare candy stored to evolve all of these day 1 if they release them. It's... kind of sad, actually, but I suspect this is why we're in the situation we're in now with endless "events" and only the rare actual new Pokemon. Gen 5 may even begin before 'any' of these Gen 4 releases happen (Unlikely, but not impossible now).Thoughts? via /r/TheSilphRoad
"Reason for gap since last Gen 4 Wave - Because there won't be another wave at all?" "Reason for gap since last Gen 4 Wave - Because there won't be another wave at all?" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 07:53 Rating: 5

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