"Summary of common bugs of 0.143.0"

#PokemonGO: The latest update came full of bugs, some old, others who came in a few updates ago and some totally new. So I decided to summarize the most common of them (no exploitable glitches included).Gyms missing texturesWhen you click on a gym, sometimes half of the wall will be mssing, sometimes the floor or even the top.https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/bn68jg/visual_bug_when_you_click_on_gyms_in_01430/Strange camera positions on gymsThis one is kinda annoying. The camera will rotate, sometimes will even stop sideway and it can happen in every situation. When you try to give berries on a gym, it can go up and down. Also, the bleachers on gym battles and raid battles can also go up or even your attacker go to a different position, which is strange, but will not sabotage your performance.https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/bnkxsg/visual_bug_01430_not_gonna_lie_i_liked_this/https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/bnofcc/video_of_new_bug_in_01430_attacker_in_the_sky/All your pokemon have faintedThis bug seems to happen when you are on the last pokemon on the gym and got a brief internet lag when you finish the fight. The white screen will came up as you have lost all of your pokemon, but it will proceed as normal, so it is just annoying.https://twitter.com/NianticHelp/status/1127997729773428741Expensive lucky pokemon power upThis issue cause you to see a ridiculous expensive cust to power up a pokemon. Although it is just visual and you will not spend that much, the power up button will be locked if you dont have the amount shown. It has been confermed as a known bug by niantic.https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/bn339c/01430_bug_with_powering_up_lucky_pokemon/https://twitter.com/NianticHelp/status/1128098293056188417Floating JigglypuffThis is triggered after this pokemon break a pokeball. Nothing serius, but beware with his hit box.https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/bnfzpo/float_glitch_on_a_jigglypuff_after_first_ball/Few items showing on spinIf you spin a pokestop or gym photodisk and click on the "X" button immediatly after, the entire amount of items you got will not be shown correctly in the right corner. You can see all of then if you check your journal.https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/blyyb0/anyone_else_getting_like_2_items_per_stop_spin/Notifications are not clickable anymoreNotifications like "Your friend send you a gift" or "Your pokemon needs a berry" are not clickable anymore. In fact, it will become darker, but will not lead you to the right screen as it was used to. Not sure why I have not saw this one reported here on reddit, but it is happening to me and I was used to give berries this way.Photobombs canceledNot exactly an issue with this version of the app, but more with this detective pikachu event. The game determines if you will be photobombed right when you enter the photo session. The issue is that if you dont take any photos, you will waste it. In this event, pikachu will appear in the first session, so if you quit (e.g. to desable AR+), you will not receive photobombs for the rest of the day.https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/blw7b6/i_believe_i_have_figured_out_the_photobomb_bug/Bonus: Switch before battle starts against team leadersNoticed this one a few days ago and it was present on 141.x. You can switch your pokemon before the battle starts, but you opponent will starts to attack you also before the timer goes zero.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hBrrVJz9IuUI hope it can be useful and, who knows, serve as a bug fixes checklist for 0.143.1, if niantic see this post. via /r/TheSilphRoad http://bit.ly/2Hg4cZb
"Summary of common bugs of 0.143.0"
Reviewed by The Pokémonger
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