"I'm afraid and concerned about Arceus and Kecleon"

#PokemonGO: From what we've experienced, Niantic isn't the best when it comes to translating gimmicky pokémon to pokémon go. Smeargle was an effort, but shedinja just sits there unavailable, castform is just...several different pokémon.With the total lack of abilities, secondary effects, and held items, the only choice for niantic seems to be hardcode every form into a different pokemon. For Deoxys, Giratina and even Castform this is not even a problem, but...Arceus.Arceus has 18 different forms, one for each type, and its signature move, Judgement, changes type accordingly. Taking into account the massive pokémon go hardcoding when it comes to forms and moves, this means 18 different arceus, and 18 different judgements.Considering its mythical status, and probably his availability through EX raids...means one year and a half at least for Arceus, assuming 1 month for each form. If it won't be introduced via EX raids, level 5 raids will be its den...let's assume, 3 different types each rotation. An actual hellscape, making the hunt for a good IV arceus, or a shiny arceus, an impossible and timeconsuming task.But when it comes to Kecleon, it becomes even more awful. Kecleon can change its type thanks to its ability, and for core games, it's a nobrainer. But the possibility to have 18 different Kecleon in field searches (like spinda) that only differ because of a small icon under their model terrorize me.I hope Niantic would not lock us in an endless, years long Arceus hunting and just implements something like, a rainbow plate, that changes Arceus + Judgement type.And, at this point, that Kecleon is just a normal type pokémon with nothing special. via /r/TheSilphRoad https://ift.tt/2LraUxE
"I'm afraid and concerned about Arceus and Kecleon"
Reviewed by The Pokémonger
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