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"Niantic, I love your game, but please revert back to normal spawns."

#PokemonGO: First, I'd like to say thank you so much for keeping Pokemon Go alive for the past few years. It has brought joy for me and my husband to play. I'm a disabled military veteran, and can't walk too far without a lot of pain. The area I always walked around is a vet memorial which is a stop and a gym nearby. Now there is maybe 1 or 2 pokemon there when there used to be 6 to 8. This is the only place near me I can walk around. I'm still going to play, but I just feel deflated when I don't see any to catch while I walk. Thank you for your time and have a great day. ❤️ via /r/pokemongo
"Niantic, I love your game, but please revert back to normal spawns." "Niantic, I love your game, but please revert back to normal spawns." Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 09:59 Rating: 5

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