"PokeMiner's In-Depth APK Teardown of 0.161.0 (Matchmaking is back and better than ever!)"
#PokemonGO: Niantic surprised us with release notes this time around which is fantastic, but obviously they aren't telling us everything. ;) This update brings back all the previously found matchmaking code but adds a ton of features to it! This is going to be a truly exciting feature when it lands. Let's dig in!New Images - Note the Mysterious Component has increased in sizeHighlightsMatchmaking is back!All the previous matchmaking code is back - check out this post for referenceLimited Pokemon as RewardsReward Pokemon have the ability to have overridden IVsLots of other rewards, including pokecoins and converting your rewards to a major rewardLocked and Unlocked Pokemon - perhaps you need to unlock a mon to use itMon's CP can be boostedCustom rules such as not swappable, fast move only, and unique pokemonPremium passes are a thing and you can buy them instead of the VS SeekerMaybe challenge other League battles in person via a QR codeNew Battle Hub which combines all PVP elements into one placeNiantic Wayfare and POI Editing - Full Wayfare text can be found hereGame remembers the last thing you searched for nowNew starter evolved formsNew Quest for ChimcharPlatypus!New FormsPIKACHU_NORMAL PIKACHU_COPY_2019 VENUSAUR_NORMAL VENUSAUR_COPY_2019 CHARIZARD_NORMAL CHARIZARD_COPY_2019 BLASTOISE_NORMAL BLASTOISE_COPY_2019 Prepare for some new forms by the end of the year!New Queststring Key = "quest_catch_special34_plural" string Translation = "Catch {0} Chimchar" For community day, shocker!VsSeeker UpdatesVSSeeker itself hasn't changed much from the previous teardown, but a few highlighted changes below.VS_SEEKER_CHARGE_METERS It's marked in meters here instead of KM. Could be a good thing!.get_VsSeekerPlayerMinLevel .set_VsSeekerPlayerMinLevel Min level you need to be. Won't know this until it goes live in the Game Master.UpdateNotificationKeys HandleVsSeekerStatus HandleVsSeekerCompletion HandleVsSeekerSeasonCompletion HandleActivateVsSeekerCompletion VSSeeker handles the seasons by the looks of it, or is at least related to it. More on Seasons below..get_DeprecatedVsSeekerSetting .set_DeprecatedVsSeekerSetting .get_VsSeekerWalkingDistPollDurationMs .set_VsSeekerWalkingDistPollDurationMs .get_MaxVsSeekerEncounterPlayerLevel .set_MaxVsSeekerEncounterPlayerLevel .get_MatchmakingPollDurationMs .set_MatchmakingPollDurationMs .get_EnableVsSeekerUpgradeIap .set_EnableVsSeekerUpgradeIap .get_MatchmakingTimeoutDurationMs .set_MatchmakingTimeoutDurationMs Interesting that the VsSeeker can have old settings, probably between seasons. More min player level here as well. Also there appears to be an upgrade option to the VsSeeker. Not really sure what that is specifically.ERROR_VS_SEEKER_NOT_FOUND ERROR_VS_SEEKER_ALREADY_STARTED_CHARGING ERROR_VS_SEEKER_ALREADY_FULLY_CHARGED ERROR_VS_SEEKER_PLAYER_IN_WRONG_SEASON ERROR_PLAYER_HAS_NO_VS_SEEKER ERROR_VS_SEEKER_NOT_CHARGED ERROR_VS_SEEKER_ALREADY_ACTIVATED Some error messages but gives insight into things like this being linked to the proper season, charging status, the fact that you have to activate it, etc. Also not found could suggest that you don't always have one? Maybe you get one per season which would line up with the season code.Custom Rulesvss_league_team_more_unique_pokemon AllowPokemonSwapping CanFastAttack There isn't a lot here and probably needs to be flushed out more, but this is exciting! So far it looks like you can limit to fast attacks only, allow pokemon to swap during battles, and ensure no duplicate Mons. I don't think this part is ready to go live yet as it's very barebones.Battle HubWelcome to the Battle Hub! Your one-stop shop for all things battling! This looks like it combines the nearby tab we currently have, with all the new online matchmaking stuff..get_BattleHubEnabled .get_EnableBattleHub .set_EnableBattleHub battle_hub_category_season battle_hub_category_season_last BattleHubSection SECTION_UNSET SECTION_VS_SEEKER SECTION_CURR_SEASON SECTION_LAST_SEASON SECTION_NEARBY BattleHubSubsection SUBSECTION_UNSET SUBSECTION_VS_CHARGING SUBSECTION_VS_FREE SUBSECTION_VS_PREMIUM SUBSECTION_NEARBY_TEAM_LEADERS SUBSECTION_NEARBY_QR_CODE Shows the current and last season, shows your VsSeeker, team leader battles, QR scanning, it's all there!remainOnScreenSec rankCanvas currentRankText nextRankText rankUpShrinkSec rankUpWaitSec rankUpGrowSec rankUpShrinkCurve rankUpGrowCurve rankProgressBar rankProgressCurve animateProgressBarSec rankUpFx rankUpSound rankPercentProgress rankedUp oldRating newRating oldRank newRank showRating RankProgress Some fancy animations and sound effects when you rank up. There is your motivation, GO GO GO!gamesWon gamesPlayed longestWinStreak summaryRankContainer summaryPanel ISeasonSummaryState SeasonSummaryStateShim SeasonSummaryState nextSeasonResults DisplayCompleteSeason FinishSeasonSummary GetCurrentSeasonResults seasonSummaryFactory numBattles maxBattles Logs your stats of course. What kind of ranking system would this be without stats!walkedDistanceText targetDistanceText chargeDetailsArea battleNowContainer coinCostText enoughCoinsColor notEnoughCoinsColor ChargeDetailsHeight BattleNowHeight CurrentHeight WalkedKm TargetKm BattleNowEnabled BattleNowCost BattleNowAffordable Status of the VsSeeker and when you can use it. Coins might be related to showing the premium battle pass (more on that below).NewRank NewRating LastRank LastRating WasActive CombatRankProgress PreviousRank PreviousRating CurrentProgress Shows your rank, of course, the most important thing!Matchmaking PassesusePremiumPassGuiControllerPrefab HasPremiumBattlePass ERROR_NO_PREMIUM_BATTLE_PASS In addition to the VsSeeker, looks like you can actually pay to get into online battles. That way if you want to be lazy, you just need to pay up.IQrChallengeService OpenFullScreenQr StartQrCodeScanner QrChallengeService combatCode CodeScanned IsValidQrScan HandleSuccessfulScan qrState QrStateChanged GenerateQrCode qrCode UpdateQr CleanupQrScanner This could either be the current QR system or a new one. I believe it's a new one, meaning you can challenge another trainer to a League battle in person, without being matched online. Ideal for in-person tournaments.Limited Pokemon and Override IVsNow this is interesting. These are linked to your rewards and seem to have some special qualities..set_LimitedPokemonReward .get_GuaranteedLimitedPokemonReward .set_GuaranteedLimitedPokemonReward .get_UnlockedAtRank .set_UnlockedAtRank .get_AttackIvOverride .set_AttackIvOverride .get_DefenseIvOverride .set_DefenseIvOverride .get_StaminaIvOverride .set_StaminaIvOverride First off, overriding IV? Not sure if this is for existing Pokemon or your reward Pokemon but very intriguing!LimitedEditionPokemonEncounterRewardProto .get_LifetimeMaxCount .set_LifetimeMaxCount .get_PerCompetitiveCombatSeasonMaxCount .set_PerCompetitiveCombatSeasonMaxCount .get_LimitCase ClearLimit IdentifierFieldNumber identifier_ LifetimeMaxCountFieldNumber PerCompetitiveCombatSeasonMaxCountFieldNumber limitCase_ LifetimeMaxCount PerCompetitiveCombatSeasonMaxCount LimitCase LimitOneofCase These limited Pokemon are of course... Limited. You can only have a certain amount by the looks of it.RewardsIVsRewardService GetWinsToRewards VsRewardService GetRewardItem CreateUnlockedPokemonReward Tons of rewards! Some generic reward services above. Goodies below..get_IsLocked .get_IsUnlocked .get_IsCollected .get_IsPokemon .get_IsMysteryReward .get_IsItem .get_IsStardust .get_IsPokecoin .get_IsLockedPokemon .get_IsUnlockedPokemon .get_IsUnlockedItem .get_IsUnlockedMysteryReward rewardButton itemRewardBackgroundSprite pokemonRewardBackgroundSprite unlockedRewardBackgroundSprite itemRewardBackgroundColor pokemonRewardBackgroundColor unlockedRewardBackgroundColor pokemonRewardSprite mysteryRewardSprite rewardCountContainer freeRewardCountColor premiumRewardCountColor Look at all these fabulous prizes! Some standard stuff like dust, but also Pokecoins?! Mystery items?!Also seems like you need to unlock Pokemon, perhaps in order to use them in the League. There is also a difference between your free reward and your paid reward.lootToMajorRewardConverter GetExpFromLootProto AggregateStardust AggregatePokecoins GetNoncurrencyItems ILootToMajorRewardConverter LootToMajorRewards AvatarToMajorRewardAsync AvatarToMajorReward LootToMajorRewardConverter ConvertLootItemToRewardItem ItemToReward StardustToReward PokemonCandyToReward PokecoinToReward EggToReward Looks like you can convert your rewards into a bigger reward? Feels like the classic free 2 play 'gem' model but we'll have to see.Claiming RewardsERROR_PLAYER_INVENTORY_FULL ERROR_PLAYER_HAS_UNCLAIMED_REWARDS ERROR_REWARDS_ALREADY_COLLECTED ERROR_PLAYER_NOT_ENOUGH_VICTORIES claimButton add_ClaimRewardsButtonClicked remove_ClaimRewardsButtonClicked ClaimRankRewardsClicked ClaimVsSeekerRewards ClaimVsSeekerEncounter UnlockedItemRewardClicked UnlockedPokemonRewardClicked LockedPokemonRewardClicked UNREAD_NOTIFICATION_PREF_KEY Rewards seem to stack and you can claim them when you unlock certain levels. You get notified for them and then you have to go to the Hub to claim them.CP Boosted Pokemon.get_AdditionalCpBoostLevel .set_AdditionalCpBoostLevel .get_DefaultCpBoostAdditionalLevel .set_DefaultCpBoostAdditionalLevel .get_PreBoostedCp .set_PreBoostedCp .get_PreBoostedAdditionalCpMultiplier .set_PreBoostedAdditionalCpMultiplier Boosted you say?! Come on Bidoof, this is your chance to shine! It seems that this would be a way to boost CP of lower-tier mons so they can fight with the big boys, but we'll have to see.RankingsCombatStateExt DidPlayerQuit DidPlayerWin It's watching you if you quit a battle. Better be careful there.seasonResult nextRank ProgressToNextRank GetRequirements rankRequirements maxRank RankLevelExt nextRequirements GetPercentProgress ShouldShowRating startRating Some more rankings flushed out, but nothing really special here.Matchmaking BattlesPlayersAreFriends PlayerCombatBadge rematchButton addFriendButton nextBattleButton rewardImage rewardCountText rewardName CombatResult ShowVsSeekerNextBattleButton MoveToNextBattle resolutionSession showNextBattle ResolutionSession ShowNextBattle Players are friends, not food.Just like regular PVP, you can add people as friends and rematch, but this also gives you the chance to go to the next battle. This implies as long as you have charge or passes you can just keep battling.SUCCESS_OPPONENT_FOUND SUCCESS_QUEUED ERROR_NO_BATTLE_PASSES_LEFT ERROR_ALREADY_IN_QUEUE ERROR_VS_SEEKER_NOT_ACTIVATED ERROR_TEMPORARILY_UNAVAILABLE ERROR_EXCEEDED_LIMIT ERROR_QUEUE_NOT_FOUND ERROR_RETRY_UNSUCCESSFUL SUCCESSFULLY_CANCELLED ERROR_ALREADY_MATCHED Some status messages here, for the battling and activating the VsSeeker. Tracks if you hit your limit (probably from the Seeker I think).BadgeswinsText totalBattlesText longestStreakText friendsBattledText .badgesToDisplay .badgeListAdapter .badgeListView .badgeService Display your badges proudly! How else would people know how awesome you are. Displayed in the Hub.League AvailabilityAllLeagues OpponentLeagues IsLeagueAvailable Some limitations added to when you join a league and if you can.Season TimersCalling end of VS Seeker season.VS Seeker Pokemon Rewards GMT not available! VsSeasonEndNotification VsSeekerChargedNotification StartTimer .setTimer ResumeTimer UpdateTimerText StopTimer Niantic.Holoholo.UI.Utility endTimeMs onCountdownComplete StopCountdown IsCountdownOngoing RestartCountdown CalculateCountdownUpdateFrequency UpdateCountdownTimer SECONDS_IN_HOUR SECONDS_IN_MINUTE CountdownTimeUtil DaysFrom HoursFrom MinutesFrom SecondsFrom EndTimeToCountdownString TimeSpanRemaining As we saw before, each season has a timer on it. This will display exactly when that season ends so you can prepare.Active StatusPlayer was inactive in current season. WasActive .get_WasPlayerActive .set_WasPlayerActive It keeps track if you were active in the last season or not. Don't drop out now!PVP UpdatesenergyFill timerFill FillSwapButton swapButtonAnimator particlesSwapButtonProc swapIsDelayed Seems we got some animation updates to charge moves and swapping. Pretty vague though.Wayfarer Pokestop EditingAs mentioned above, the entire text can be found here.IsPoiSubmissionEnabled IsPoiEditEnabled Just like Niantic announced in the release notes, you can edit PokeStops soon! All built into the app. The texts above provide a lot of insight, but it's very similar to submissions.TitanPoiEditDescriptionGuiController TitanPoiEditImageGuiController TitanPoiEditImagePreviewGuiController TitanPoiEditInstaller poiSnapshotGuiControllerPrefab poiSnapshotPreviewGuiControllerPrefab largeImagePreviewGuiControllerPrefab TitanPoiEditMainGuiController TitanPoiEditMapGuiController TitanPoiEditReportGuiController TitanPoiEditTitleGuiController TitanPoiImage TitanPoiLargeImagePreviewGuiController TitanPoiSnapshotGuiController TitanPoiSnapshotPreviewGuiController Look at all that editing code.Wayfarer MenuDIALOG_YES_BUTTON_KEY DIALOG_NO_BUTTON_KEY DIALOG_OK_BUTTON_KEY DIALOG_NO_THANKS_BUTTON_KEY DIALOG_CANCEL_BUTTON_KEY DIALOG_CONTRIBUTION_SUCCESS_HEADER_KEY DIALOG_EXIT_NOMINATION_HEADER_KEY DIALOG_NEW_PHOTO_KEY DIALOG_GALLERY_PHOTO_KEY ERROR_CONTRIBUTION_FAILED_KEY ERROR_IMAGE_UPLOAD_KEY ERROR_IMAGE_TIMEOUT_KEY ERROR_SUBMISSION_FAILED ERROR_TITLE_EMPTY_KEY ERROR_TITLE_SHORT_KEY ERROR_DESC_EMPTY_KEY ERROR_DESC_SHORT_KEY MESSAGE_POI_SUBMITTING_KEY MESSAGE_GRANT_CAMERA_PERMISSION_KEY MESSAGE_GRANT_GALLERY_PERMISSION_KEY ADD_NEW_POI GET_AVAILABLE_SUBMISSIONS GET_SIGNED_URL_FOR_PHOTO_UPLOAD GENERATE_GMAP_SIGNED_URL GET_GMAP_SETTINGS SUBMIT_POI_IMAGE SUBMIT_POI_TEXT_METADATA_UPDATE SUBMIT_POI_LOCATION_UPDATE SUBMIT_POI_TAKEDOWN_REQUEST EDIT_TEXT_METADATA_TAG EDIT_IMAGE_SUBMISSION EDIT_LOCATION EDIT_TAKEDOWN_REQUEST EDIT_LOG_FORMAT EDIT_INTERNAL_ERROR EDIT_INVALID_INPUT EDIT_MINOR EDIT_NOT_AVAILABLE EDIT_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED EDIT_TOO_MANY_SUBMISSIONS EDIT_MISSING_IMAGE EDIT_UNDEFINED Look at all those buttons. Look familiar? It should as it's very close to POI Submissions.POI Raw Images.{3}raw image width is .{0}, height is .{1}, portal texture width is .{2}, height is Looks like you can upload raw image quality now? This might be me mis-interpreting this though.Remembering SearchlastSearchString Looks like the last thing you searched for is remembered. Maybe it will remember it across all menus!Refresh Rate and Screen UpdatesrefreshRate .get_refreshRate UnityEngine.ScreenCaptureModule UnityEngine.ScreenCaptureModule.dll ScreenCapture superSize CaptureScreenshotAsTexture .get_DeviceWidth .set_DeviceWidth .get_DeviceHeight .set_DeviceHeight .get_CameraWidth .set_CameraWidth .get_CameraHeight .set_CameraHeight .get_CameraFocalLengthFx .set_CameraFocalLengthFx .get_CameraFocalLengthFy .set_CameraFocalLengthFy .get_CameraRefreshRate .set_CameraRefreshRate Looks like they are trying to fix the 90Hz+ display issues on some of those fancy phones.Pokemon Model OverridesPokemonOverrideFbx .get_OriginSpeedOverride .set_OriginSpeedOverride .get_EyeBlinkRoots .set_EyeBlinkRoots originSpeedOverride eyeBlinkRoots OriginSpeedOverride EyeBlinkRoots PokemonOverrideFbxOriginSpeed .get_Walk .set_Walk .get_Run .set_Run .get_IsOverride .set_IsOverride Who needs Pokemon models. We can override them now! Not sure what the point of this is though to be honest.Pokedex CheckHasFormAndCostumeCaptured Probably how they fixed costume Pikachu haha.PVP Warningspvp_weak_network_connection badConnectionThresholdMS badConnectionToastMinFrequencyMS badConnectionToastTriggerDurationMS badConnectionStartTime lastBadConnectionToastTime wasBadConnectionActive isGameOver string Key = "pvp_weak_network_connection" string Translation = "Weak Connection" These are the warnings and checks they do as announced.Switch Warningstring Key = "beluga_error" string Translation = "Could not connect to Nintendo Switch." Ooooo. Ahhhhh. Very descriptive.Marketing LibraryNiantic.Platform.Marketing.Ua.Android Whatever this is. Some Facebook and Amazon IDs were removed, maybe this replaced them?Operating System UpdateClientUpgradeReflection Niantic.Platform.Rpc ClientUpgradeRequestProto .get_OperatingSystem .set_OperatingSystem VersionFieldNumber version_ OperatingSystemFieldNumber operatingSystem_ ClientUpgradeResponseProto .get_NeedsUpgrade .set_NeedsUpgrade NeedsUpgradeFieldNumber needsUpgrade_ NeedsUpgrade The game can tell you directly now if you need to upgrade your OS.Device InfoOsReflection ClientOperatingSystem OS_UNKNOWN OS_ANDROID OS_IOS OS_DESKTOP PoGo Desktop coming soon?!?! No. This is most likely for development purposes haha.GUI LayeringIGuiLayerable .get_CustomSortingOrder .get_HidesPreviousGuis CustomSortingOrder HidesPreviousGuis Additional work has gone into making the layering of GUI menus cleaner to hopefully fix some of the GUI layering issues (like the Rocket Radar and Plus).LoggingLogShopVisit LogAvatarShopVisit LogShopSkuSelected hasItem LogAvatarItemSelected LogShopLastScrollRow LogShopMaxScrollRow More things are logged now, yay!Bubbles!.get_AreBubblesInProgress Gotta know if those bubbles are in progress.Dev ModesDEVELOPER SHARED_SECRET POSEIDON I would really like to be in Poseidon mode, please. This was added in addition to Super Awesome mode. Just dev modes to test stuff.But they are cool names.Platypus!PlatypusReflection PlatypusAsset And why have an update without a good old fashioned platypus.Mirror APK : SamsungSize Difference: +5.2MBUpdate: Added images at the top and fixed Mirror APK Link. via /r/TheSilphRoad https://ift.tt/34UWywp
"PokeMiner's In-Depth APK Teardown of 0.161.0 (Matchmaking is back and better than ever!)"
Reviewed by The Pokémonger
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