"[Mild Rant] The Field Research rewards are freakin' ANCIENT!"
#PokemonGO: We need Gen 4 and Gen 5 mons in the Field Research, NOW.Aside from Spinda, Chansey and Electabuzz, there is NOTHING in March that interests me. Mankey is there TWICE. WHY? They are EVERYWHERE IN THE WILD. Mankey is more numerous than Zigzagoon in my area!This kind of throttling of the two recent Gen rollouts really kills my enthusiasm for firing up the game for my morning commute because I have nothing new to anticipate catching. Forget about wild spawns. I see a Gen 4 or Gen 5 mon MAYBE once a week.I don't care if the Tasks are hard, either. All my Goletts came from 3 Excellent Throws in a Row, and my hundo Larvitar came from that as well.GIVE US SOME NEW MONS FER CHRISSAKES.*ahem*Thank you for coming to my Ted Rant. via /r/pokemongo https://ift.tt/2x8z7nL
"[Mild Rant] The Field Research rewards are freakin' ANCIENT!"
Reviewed by The Pokémonger
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