"PokeMiners' In-Depth APK Teardown of 0.175.0"
#PokemonGO: Hello everyone!Another APK, 0.175.0 is starting to roll out and lots of goodies here! We'll update this post with the APKMirror link when it goes live and the release notes (although 173 never received release notes so hopefully they haven't forgotten about that!). Anyway, let's dive in!Official Release Notes (Not Available At This Time)Download Link (Waiting on APKMirror)Size: TBDHighlights:Jessie and James are blasting off into your game!New Galar Pokemon addedFriend Filtering is liveAbility to view when a friend is online or notDaily EncounterRemote Raiding Inviting has received more information regarding the invite itselfFree Shop BoxesStickers that you can purchase and apply to... Something?AR Occlusion code has actually been added with icons to toggle it on and offPremier cup has been addedGBL Ban and White listsWayfare badge support for tracking agreementsPossible Ditto in PVP? This one might be a stretchJessie and James NPCs!JESSIE JAMES Prepare for double! And make it trouble! No... That's not right. Either way, say hello to Jessie and James! No assets just yet, but we are excited to see how these get introduced. They are listed as an NPC just like the grunts and leaders, so we'll most likely be battling them!PROFESSOR Speaking of NPCs, the professor also received a similar NPC addition. Perhaps we get to battle him soon?New Pokemon.V0862_POKEMON_OBSTAGOON .V0863_POKEMON_PERRSERKER .V0865_POKEMON_SIRFETCHD As announced, these Pokemon will be making their debut for the end of the Throwback Challenge.MEOWTH_GALARIAN FARFETCHD_GALARIAN DARUMAKA_GALARIAN DARMANITAN_GALARIAN_STANDARD DARMANITAN_GALARIAN_ZEN STUNFISK_GALARIAN OBSTAGOON_NORMAL OBSTAGOON_SHADOW OBSTAGOON_PURIFIED PERRSERKER_NORMAL PERRSERKER_SHADOW PERRSERKER_PURIFIED SIRFETCHD_NORMAL SIRFETCHD_SHADOW SIRFETCHD_PURIFIED Galarian, Shadow, and Purified versions of the announced mons are also added.Friend Filteringfilter_friend_key_rank filter_friend_key_giftable filter_friend_key_lucky filter_friend_key_interactable Friend filtering is live as of this update! You can see some examples below:Lucky FilterInteractable FilterFriend Level 1Friend Level 4And these filters work with and (&) and not (!):And FilterNot FilterNote that giftable doesn't work yet, most likely because of the giftable v2 stuff we found (more on that below).Friends List Improvements.get_OnlineStatus .set_OnlineStatus OnlineStatus STATUS_ONLINE STATUS_OFFLINE Looks like you'll be able to see when your friends are online or not.EnableGiftabilityV2 get_GiftingV2Enabled Gifting v2 is coming, most likely why the giftable tag is not working yet as it is a separate enable tag.GetFriendSharedData GetGiftboxDetails giftboxId RemoveGiftbox SharedFriendData dataFromMe dataToMe Perhaps you can share more details with friends, as well as gift boxes? Not much is known about this just yet.Heart Slider WidgetBuddyLevelHeartSliderWidget FriendshipLevelHeartSliderWidget These new slider widgets were found that might make it easier to see how many points you have for your Buddy and Friend levels? That's just a guess though.Daily EncounterDAILY_ENCOUNTER_DESPAWN_RANGE_MULTIPLIER DAILY_ENCOUNTER_SPAWN_RANGE_MULTIPLIER encounterStateHandle dailyEncounterService GET_DAILY_ENCOUNTER DAILY_ENCOUNTER get_IsDailyEncounterEnabled Looks like a daily encounter is coming! It has an enabled state to turn it on when it's ready, and looks like the encounter will spawn at a specified range from you.GetDailyEncounterProto GetDailyEncounterOutProto ALREADY_FINISHED_FOR_TODAY MISSED_FOR_TODAY NO_POKEMON_AVAILABLE DailyEncounterProto DailyEncounterOutProto ENCOUNTER_NOT_AVAILABLE Tracking if you received your daily encounter or if you missed it for the day. Another streak perhaps.DAILY_BONUS_ENCOUNTER_TUTORIAL A small tutorial for explaining how the daily encounter will work.questGiver GetQuestGiverSprite questGiverCharacter We threw this in here as this might be related to the daily encounter, but we aren't quite sure.Raiding InvitesINVITATION_TYPE_NIANTIC_SOCIAL_GRAPH RAID_INVITATION_DETAILS REMOTE_RAID_INVITATION MaxPlayersPerLobby MaxRemotePlayersPerLobby .get_InviterId .set_InviterId Friend raid invites have been in the code since the last major update, but additional information about lobby details has been added this time around including max players during the invite process (probably to check if you can invite someone).RaidInvitationDetails LobbyId RaidInvitationExpireMs RaidPokemonId RaidPokemonForm InviterNickname InviterAvatar InviterTeam This is what the invite itself will look like / carry in terms of data. Things like what the boss is, who invited you, when the invite expires, etc.ERROR_INVITER_NOT_FOUND ERROR_NO_INVITE Some errors in case things go wrong. Luckily things never go wrong so you'll never encounter these.Shop Updates and Free ItemsFREE FREE_CATEGORY IAP_CATEGORY_FREE Niantic is most likely trying to replace the 1 coin bundle with free boxes. Below are what they will look like, and they get their own section in the shop.Free Box 1Free Box 2newStoreItemService itemBagService A new store item service and bag item service were added, unclear what they do though..get_TotalNumPurchases .set_TotalNumPurchases And finally, for Shop updates, they are tracking the total number of times you purchased something from the shop. Probably just for their own tracking.Stickers!.get_DefaultStickerMaxCount .set_DefaultStickerMaxCount .get_StickerMetadata .set_StickerMetadata .get_StickerId .set_StickerId .get_StickerUrl .set_StickerUrl MaxCount Niantic has heard you loud and clear! You hate costume Pokemon, so the solution is obvious.Stickers!In all seriousness though, we don't know where these stickers will be applied. To your Pokemon, to your avatar? We'll have to see. There is only so much in the code about them right now, such as what the sticker is, and how many stickers you have.ITEM_CATEGORY_STICKER IAP_CATEGORY_STICKER Stickers will be a separate item and will have an In-App Purchasable option (so you get to pay for these! Yay!).ERROR_PLAYER_HAS_NO_STICKERS If you don't have any stickers, the game will be very mad at you. Look at that error, it's in all caps. You don't want that error.AR OcclusionStartOcclusion ToggleOcclusions .get_DepthInitialized .get_OcclusionsActive DepthInitialized OcclusionsActive ARDepthService UpdateNearConfig arMeshOcclusion depthInitialization .get_ShowColorMask .set_ShowColorMask SetDepthMaterial Z_SCALE_MULTIPLIER_NEAR Z_SCALE_SHIFT_NEAR X_MARGIN DISPARITY_TEXTURE DEPTH_TEXTURE COLOR_MASK OCCLUSION_PRECISON As we found in the text updates, this update finally brings the code to support AR Occlusion in AR+ Mode!ardk_download_prompt_dowload_size_description% ardk_download_prompt_dowload_progress You'll have to download additional AR software to run this, as we also discovered previously.You seem to be able to toggle this on and off from the encounter menu, as detailed by the toggle icons below.Buddy OcclusionToggle OffToggle OnGBL UpdatesLeagueType BorderColorHex PREMIER Premier League is coming! Official support for it..get_PokemonWhitelist .set_PokemonWhitelist .get_PokemonBanlist .set_PokemonBanlist There is now a white list and a separate ban list for what we believe to be GBL battles.maxRetries SubmitCombatActionWithRetries RetryCombatAction GBL has additional handling of server retries for combat..get_LootTableId .set_LootTableId Additional support for a better backend loot system as we saw in the last APK.Wayfarer Badge.get_NumWayfarerAgreement .set_NumWayfarerAgreement .get_WayfarerAgreementUpdateMs .set_WayfarerAgreementUpdateMs As we found with the Wayfarer Badge, this is how the game will track your progress.Today View Time Counterstime_left_singular_hour_minute_singular% time_left_plural_hour_minute_singular% time_left_singular_hour_minute_plural# time_left_plural_hour_minute_plural time_left_singular_minute time_left_plural_minute Additional time left counters most likely for today view. We think these go with the similar texts we found previously.Previously Mined Assetsnpc_icons quest_dialogue These are assets we have found remotely but haven't been able to access just yet. This APK brings support for them we'll have to wait and see what they are for.PROFESSOR_VC_BUNDLE PROFESSOR_VC_ASSET ICON_BUNDLE QUEST_DIALOGUE_BUNDLE Perhaps related to these bundles and assets. We aren't sure what VC is though. Maybe vacation?Pokedex SupportDEX_GEN_ID_TO_BUNDLE_SUFFIX pokedexService galarianFormsRoot galarianGenderButtonSet For those that don't know the way assets are named in the main series was changed in gen5/6 (we think). This seems to be a way for the game to handle that.Also, Galarian forms support, as reported above.Free TransformOnEnemyTransform DittoPluginInitializer .get_GameObjectHandle .get_PluginInstance pluginComponent GameObjectHandle PluginInstance DittoPluginComponent This could mean Ditto in PVP battles is coming as this code was found with combat functions. Or it could be asset anchoring.PokemonPositionLerp positionControl SampleCurves pokemonPositionControl attackerTransform defenderTransform currentTransform PokemonPositionControl isAttacker xPositionCurve yPositionCurve zPositionCurve How the transform is handled and who is transforming.Debug Editor.get_EnableDebugEditor .set_EnableDebugEditor And finally, a debugging editor tool was added. Not for us, for them of course haha.-PokeMiners via /r/TheSilphRoad https://ift.tt/2L8zZfS
"PokeMiners' In-Depth APK Teardown of 0.175.0"
Reviewed by The Pokémonger
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