"An Early Look Ahead At Gen 6 (Excluding Megas) - Part 2: Legendaries & Mythicals"

#PokemonGO: Part 1 hereGen 6 actually bucks the trend of preceeding gens by having only a small number of legendaries and mythicals, 3 of each to be precise. Here's a brief overview of how they might look in Go:Notes: Info sourced from Gamepress, PvPoke, Pokebattler and Bulbapedia. All PvE perrformance comparisons with currently released mons.Tl;dr Yveltal and Zygarde look very promising, Hoopa should be viable for those who like a bit of varienty in their raid teams, everyone else needs some love in the fast move department.The LegendariesXerneasType: FairyStats: 250 Atk, 185 Def, 246 HP - Max CP 3781Potential Fast Moves: Hidden Power, Zen HeadbuttPotential Charge Moves: Aurora Beam, Moonblast, Megahorn, Night Slash, Close Combat, Giga Impact, Outrage, Psyshock, Hyper Beam, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Psychic, Focus Blast, Rock Slide, Grass Knot, Flash Cannon, Dazzling GleamMain Series Signature Move: Geomancy (Fairy) - Increases spec atk, spec def and speed by 2 stagesViability: PvE - Sufficiently good stats that with a beneficial Hidden Power type (i.e. on which is SE against the target) and Dazzling Gleam produces dps just 2% behind Gardevoir and best of type TDO. Could really do with a good STAB fast move to fulfil its potential though.PvP - The stats aren't enough to overcome the lacklustre fast moves here. Although there's interesting potential in a stat buffing signature move, would probably be better served by having it implemented to fill that fast move shortfall.YveltalType: Dark / FlyingStats: 250 Atk, 185 Def, 246 HP - Max CP 3781Potential Fast Moves: Air Slash, Snarl, Sucker Punch, Hidden Power, Steel Wing, Shadow Claw, Zen HeadbuttPotential Charge Moves: Hurricane, Dark Pulse, Foul Play, Psychic, Focus Blast, Hyper Beam, Sky Attack, Dragon Claw, Shadow Ball, Aerial Ace, Giga Impact, Rock Slide, Heat WaveMain Series Signature Move: Oblivion Wing (Flying) - deals 80 damage + partially restores users HPViability: PvE - With Air Slash + Sky Attack, would produce 3rd best non-shadow flying DPS, just 3% behind top dog Moltres with 16% more TDO. With Snarl + Foul Play, produces dark type DPS just 3% behind Darkrai with 27% better TDO.PvP - Think Honchkrow with an extra 1k CP of bulk, which is no bad thing. Snarl+Sky Attack+Foul Play would deliver fast charging damage with excellent coverage. Weak to Ice, Rock, Electric and Fairy, there's a limited number of the core UL and ML metas that can hit it for SE damage. Useful resistances to Dark and Ghost and double to Ground and Psychic could play very well in the UL in particular, taking away Groudon's nuke and walling Gira-O and double legacy Mewtwo.ZygardeType: Dragon / Ground10% Forme: 205 Atk, 173 Def, 144 HP - Max CP 237550% Forme: 203 Atk, 232 Def, 239 HP - Max CP 3410Complete Forme: 184 Atk, 207 Def, 389 HP - Max CP 3722Potential Fast Moves: Dragon Breath, Hidden Power, Zen Headbutt, Bite, Dragon TailPotential Charge Moves: Bulldoze, Dig, Crunch, Earthquake, Dragon Pulse, Outrage, Hyper Beam, Brick Break, Sludge Wave, Focus Blast, Giga Impact, Stone Edge, Bulldoze, Rock Slide, Grass Knot, Draco Meteor, Earth Power, SuperpowerMain Series Signature Moves: Land's Wrath (Ground) - Deals 90 damage, Core Enforcer (Dragon) - Deals 100 damage + chance to supress opponents ability, Thousand Arrows (Ground) - Deals 90 damage + grounds flying targets, Thousand Waves (Ground) - Deals 90 damage + prevents foe from switching outViability: PvP (Complete Forme) - Stat wise a slightly bulkier Gira-A, with the possibility STAB Ground moves to cause headaches for the steel types, there'sdefinite potential here to make an impact on the UL and ML metas. Whilst not a perfect comparison, running a Gira-A with DB+Crunch+Earth Power through pvpoke pulls out 19 wins agaisnt the UL meta: A-Muk, Registeel and Melmetal amongst them. In the ML, 13 wins include Metagross, Snorlax, Melmetal and Mewtwo (though Ice Beam could swing that last one dramatically). With a plethora of signature moves possible too, surely one to look out for.The MythicalsDiancieType: Rock / FairyStats: Atk 190, Def 285, HP 130 - Max CP 2734Potential Fast Moves: Rock Throw, Smack Down, Hidden PowerPotential Charge Moves: Ancient Power, Power Gem, Stone Edge, Moonblast, Psyshock, Psychic, Giga Impact, Gyro Ball, Rock Slide, Dazzling Gleam, Earth Power, Last ResortMain Series Signature Move: Diamond Storm (Rock) - Deals 100 damage + 50% chance to raise users def by 2 stagesViability: Not enough power to be PvE relevant unless that signature move is absolutely broken. There could be a UL niche for a Fairy that hard counters Charizard, but given the energy costs of its Fairy charge moves, better energy generation is needed than currently in its movepool to fulfil that part of the role. One thing that did occur to me while doing this write-up is that Rock Throw and Smack Down have virtually identical damage and energy output (per turn), making one more energy oriented could be a plus. Smack Down as a Snarl clone, for instance, could make things more interesting and also benefit...VolcanionType: Fire / WaterStats: 252 Atk, 216 Def, 190 HP - Max CP 3628Potential Fast Moves: Hidden Power, Smack DownPotential Charge Moves: Flame Charge, Water Pulse, Scald, Weather Ball, Body Slam, Hydro Pump, Overheat, Hyper Beam, Solar Beam, Earthquake, Brick Break, Sludge Wave, Flamethrower, Sludge Bomb, Fire Blast, Focus Blast, Stone Edge, Gyro Ball, Bulldoze, Rock Slide, Flash Cannon, Earth Power, SuperpowerMain Series Signature Move: Steam Eruption (Water) - Deals 110 damage + 30% chance of burning targetViability: PvE - Another mon hampered by fast move options. A crazy good signature could just about overcome the Hidden Power handicap. With Steam Eruprion as a V-Create clone + Water HP would produce DPS fractionally better than Kyogre against a fire type target. Though Volcanion's Fire typing can be a hinderance against Rock and Ground types.PvP - A wide array of STAB charge moves could hit Steel and Ground types hard, but you've got to spend an age throwing NVE rocks at them first then its unlikely to be productive. Smack Down rework mentioned above might help a little, but could really do with something that better compliments its charge options.HoopaHoopa Confined: 261 Atk, 187 Def, 173 HP - Max CP 3359Hoopa Unbound: 311 Atk, 191 Def, 173 HP - Max CP 4006Potential Fast Moves: Confusion, Astonish, Zen Headbutt, Charge Beam, Hidden PowerPotential Charge Moves: Psybeam, Shadow Ball, Psychic, Dark Pulse, Hyper Beam, Thunderbolt, Brick Break, Focust Blast, Energy Ball, Giga Impact, Grass Knot, Fire Punch, Foul Play, Gunk Shot, Ice Punch, Last Resort, Signal Beam, Thunder PunchMain Series Signature Moves: Hoopa Confined: Hyperspace Hole (Psychic) - Deals 80 damage + hits even if opponent is protected, Hoopa Unboud: Hyperspace Fury (Dark) - Deals 100 damage + lowers opponent def by 1 stageViability: PvE - (Hoopa Unbound) With Confusion+Psychic, produces DPS about 5% worse than Psystrike Mewtwo with about 20% less bulk. Despite the underwhelming fast move, should also be quite usuable as a Ghost/Dark attacker, Astonish+Foul Play producind DPS and TDO a little under 5% worse than Darkrai. That side of the equation could also be boosted by signature move Hyperspace Fury.PvP - Signature moves always have the potential to alter the equation, but hard to see what Hoopa offers that Mewtwo in particular couldn't do better at this point.***That concludes my overview of Gen 6. Again, thanks for reading and I hope it was of some interest.. via /r/TheSilphRoad https://ift.tt/32eckTz
"An Early Look Ahead At Gen 6 (Excluding Megas) - Part 2: Legendaries & Mythicals"
Reviewed by The Pokémonger
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