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"PokeMiners' In-Depth APK Teardown of 0.185.0 - Megas have been added!"

#PokemonGO: Hello everyone!Well, this was a big... No... a massive update! Both from the mega side of things, but also the amount of mapping and AR updates added (which might be part of their Real World Project). Anyway, let's buckle up and dive into the goodies! This is a long one so brace yourselves! (seriously... It's long... Too long).Official Release NotesDownload Link​HighlightsMegas!Mega Raids with their own musicMega Raids will give Mega CandyMega Candy will be used to Mega Evolve a Pokemon (probably, not 100% on that)There will be some quest element to Mega evolving your PokemonMegas will be temporary and will revert to their muggle state after some time? (It appears to be time-based at least)Megas will have a fancy animation for evolving and de-evolvingMegas will have specific displays for things like name, CP, pokedex, etcMegas will have a boost (might not be stat-based, but % based?)To this point, there is also a Mega Energy section which might be related but we don't have enough information on the boost or Energy to say for sureTwo new Mega badgesWillow has some friends! (new characters)New event badgesSearch / Filter menuNew map library (basically a map app, with tons of standard map features)Several additions to AR Networking and a shared AR experienceThis and the map might be part of the Niantic Real World PlatformSticker InventoryFriend and Gift updates to scrolling (as announced)Reporting ad feedbackClearing your app settings and local files (as announced and previously datamined)​MegasThere is a lot to Megas, so let's break it down piece by piece.First up, some generic menu icons were added for Megas. One in the 'colourful' style and one in the 'Icon' view style.​Generic Mega Icon Added​Second Generic Mega Icon Added​Feature EnabledSetMegaEnabled This is in the BattleTimerController specifically, but there will be a server-side flip to turn them on and off, like most features in the game.​Mega Badges.BADGE_TOTAL_MEGA_EVOS .BADGE_UNIQUE_MEGA_EVOS There will be two new badges in the game, one for total Megas evolved, and one for unique Metas evolved. We'll have to watch the Game Master to see what the requirements for these are.​Mega QuestsQUEST_MEGA_EVOLVE_POKEMON There isn't a lot of information here, but we did see hints of this in previous APKs. It appears there will be a quest to be able to mega evolve your Pokemon. Unclear if this is a one time quest or a quest you need to do per species then you can mega evolve others after, we will have to see.​Mega RaidsRAID_LEVEL_MEGA megaRaidIcon incubationMegaIcon This is a big one, Mega Raids! So a new raid type is added, called a Mega Raid. Megas would appear to be any level of raid (1-5) but we'll have to see if we can confirm that in our Digging Deeper section (if the obfuscation allows haha).Mega raids will have the following icon in the Journal and in raids:​Journal IconMega Raid Icon​.activityLogMegaCandyRewardPrefab megaRaidRewardSprite ActivityLogMegaCandyReward RequestMegaRaidWonEmblem The reward you will get from completing a Mega Raid appears to be Mega Candy (more on that below). And it will log how much Mega Candy you received.​BaseBonusRow mainStateKey SpeedBonusRow SpeedText BallImage MegaCandyImage TeamBonusRow TeamColors LogoSprites LogoImages ParticipationBars ParticipationBallTransform TotalBonusRow MegaText MegaIcon BallText BallIcon ConfirmBonusRow This appears to be a new reward page for Mega Raids specifically. Similar to regular Raids but notice...​speedBonusRow teamBonusRow totalBonusRow confirmBonusRow megaCandyWidgets A speed bonus along with the other bonuses. You will get bonus rewards (candy) by being faster to complete the raid (well, we are assuming faster, why would you be rewarded for being slow haha).​Mega CandymegaCandyWidget MegaCandy megaCandyParent megaCandyImage megaCandyQuantityLabel A new item will be added, called Mega Candy. It doesn't appear to be specific for one type of Mon, rather a shared pool of Mega Candies (like Rare Candy).​CandyMaterial PokemonMegaCandyService _candyMaterials _defaultMaterial MegaCandyMaterial This is what it looks like:Mega Candy​Mega EvolutionsTEMP_EVOLUTION_UNSET TEMP_EVOLUTION_MEGA TEMP_EVOLUTION_MEGA_X TEMP_EVOLUTION_MEGA_Y And here are the evolution mechanics themselves. As you can clearly see, these are temporary, just like the main series. And have specific declarations for Mega X and Y (although no primal).But notice that it's classified as temp evolutions, and then mega separately. This might imply they would re-use this same mechanic for Giga and Dynamax Pokemon later on if they come to Pokemon GO.​megaEvolveButtonPrefab MegaEvoPokemonSpeciesId MegaEvolveSpecies MegaEvolution MegaEvolutionRevert .get_TempEvoId tempEvoId TempEvoId get_CurrentTempEvolution OnTemporaryEvolutionChange .get_TemporaryEvolution .set_TemporaryEvolution The Mega Evolution will eventually revert back to its pre-evolved state, just like in the main series.​ShowMegaSpendEvolveCosts add_OnMegaEvolution remove_OnMegaEvolution Unclear exactly what the Spend Evolve costs are to Mega evolve, but it should be safe to assume it's Mega Candies. But nevertheless, there will be a cost of some sort to Mega evolve temporarily.​ShowMegaEvolveAnimation PlayMegaEvolveCutscene megaVfx megaIcon megaPokemonRotation RotateMegaEvolvedPokemon RefreshMegaEvolvedPokemon When you Mega evolve, you will get a fancy animation. The below icon was added with a rainbow gradient separately, so it's probably part of the animation somehow.Also looks like the Mega will rotation after evolved, which is not something that happens in the main series' games during their animation. Don't get dizzy!Evolution Icon​unevolveFxDelay unevolveModelSwapDelay unevolveCompleteDelay UnevolvedForm UnevolvePoof There will also be an animation when it unevolves back to its muggle form.​newSpeciesText This might be the new text that appears when you evolve a new Pokemon that says `Registered To Pokedex` in this update.​One important thing to note: We were able to pick out several pieces of information from the APK, but as it's still obfuscated, there is a lot we are still missing. One key thing we saw glimpses of is the new message format that Mega Settings will use... Which is obfuscated. If this obfuscated message shows up in the Game Master (we will be able to tell when we do our Digging Deeper) then that means the mechanics surrounding how specifically Megas evolve will not be known. We of course will do our best to make sense of what it is, but Just something to keep in mind as we move forward in this post obfuscated world.​Mega TimemegaTimeText There aren't any other references to this, but this suggests that Megas will be evolved for a certain amount of time before reverting back to their muggle forms. And that time will be displayed for you.​Mega DisplaymegaEvoTitleHeight megaEvoListOffset megaBackgroundSprite cpMegaColor megaSilhouetteColor Megas will have some fancy updates to the Mon screen, including a special title, background, and CP colour.​megaBackground pokedexBackground normalPokedexBackground pokedexBackgroundColor megaPokedexBackground megaPokedexBackgroundColor In the PokeDex, they will also get a fancy treatment as well, so you can track which Megas you evolved.​Mega BoostsMegaBoost MegaSameTypeBoost It is expected that Megas will be boosted, but it appears there is a specific field to set that boost (and their STAB boost). This suggests it might not be based on stats, but simply a multiplier of the existing mon's stats. We'll have to see (or not because... Well... Obfuscation).Mega CP Icon​Mega EnergymegaEnergyButton There will be some form of energy associated with Megas, but we really don't have enough to go off of to know what this means. Does it decay with time? Does it need a certain amount of energy (candies?) to evolve? We really don't know at this point.Or, could it be related to the boost? Where instead of stat base, the more energy it has, the stronger the boost is. Again, all speculation at this point.​Mega MusicmegaRaidLobbyMusic raidBattleMusic Hype! New music! We'll of course share when we are able to pull these but they are usually remote assets.​New CharactersSPECIAL_GUEST_1 SPECIAL_GUEST_2 SPECIAL_GUEST_3 SPECIAL_GUEST_4 SPECIAL_GUEST_5 NARRATOR These appear with the Willow quest cutscenes. This implies Willow might finally have some friends to talk to!​New Event Badges.BADGE_EVENT_0011 .BADGE_EVENT_0012 .BADGE_EVENT_0013 .BADGE_EVENT_0014 .BADGE_EVENT_0015 .BADGE_EVENT_0016 .BADGE_EVENT_0017 .BADGE_EVENT_0018 .BADGE_EVENT_0019 .BADGE_EVENT_0020 .BADGE_EVENT_0021 .BADGE_EVENT_0022 .BADGE_EVENT_0023 .BADGE_EVENT_0024 .BADGE_EVENT_0025 .BADGE_EVENT_0026 .BADGE_EVENT_0027 .BADGE_EVENT_0028 .BADGE_EVENT_0029 .BADGE_EVENT_0030 Some additional event badges have been added. These generic badge events have been used for things like Com Day badges, special research, etc.​Custom FormsIsFormCustomToPgo A specific check if a mon form is a PoGo only form. Someone suggested this might be a confirmation so you can't send costume Pokemon to Home for example. We'll have to see what becomes of this.​Search/Filter MenuSearchDropdownInput We kinda discovered this already in the texts, but it does appear there is a new Search/Filter menu coming so you don't need to remember all the different search strings.​modeSelectionAnimator filterModeButton filterModeButtonBackground filterModeButtonText filterModeButtonCircle filterModeButtonIcon filterModeSelectMegaButtonText filterModeSelectAllButtonText separatorLineImage listBackground filterModeAllConfig filterModeMegaConfig FilterButtonConfig ListBackgroundColor SeparatorLineColor CircleColor MEGA_EVO luckyCountGroup Megas are included in the filter as well, but various Filter options are added (probably the Filter texts we posted). You can review them here.​ClickFilterModeMega ClickFilterMode ClickCloseFilterMode ClickFilterModeAll Looks like you can just tap on a filter to apply it, instead of typing it.​SearchDropdown .get_OnValueChanged .set_OnValueChanged selectedLabel noMatchesTextColor highlightedItemColor SearchDropdownEvent SearchDropdownItem SearchDropdownInput References to a dropdown appear a few times, is this how the filter will appear in the game, as a drop-down when you tap on search? If so, this is very exciting and will be an amazing QOL update!​Map Updates / New Map LibraryNiantic.Platform.Maps.dll Niantic.Platform.Maps.Internal.Osm.Parse Niantic.Platform.Maps.Proto.TEMP Oh boy. This (and the AR bit we'll get into) was a biiiiiiiig part of this update. We won't copy everything here because... It's a lot. Like a lot a lot. This (and the AR library) might be part of Niantic's Real World Platform, as it appears they are building their own map app here complete with layers, map providers, and POIs. Let's dive in!​MapProvider .set_MapProvider Seems they can switch their map provider. Could be handy (or the customer using Real World can choose).​SetSegments IRoadBuilder WantCenterLine SetCenterLine WantLabelGroups labelGroups SetLabelGroups SetPriority IFeatureBuilder yearMinus2K SetCopyrightYear WantLiteralCopyrights copyrights SetLiteralCopyrights WantFeatureProviders SetFeatureProviders WantStyles SetStyles WantStyleIds styleIds SetStyleIds RemoveFeature WantRoads CreateRoadBuilder WantAreas CreateAreaBuilder WantBuildings CreateBuildingBuilder WantLineMeshes CreateLineMeshBuilder IFeatureBuilderFactory CreateFeatureBuilder LineMeshBuilder Here are some examples of things that the Map library can request. Things like asking for roads, buildings, areas, labels, etc.​MAP_ATLAS SATELLITE TRAFFIC GIF_ATLAS HYBRID TERRAIN CLICKABLE_LAYER STREET_VIEW VECTOR_ATLAS ROAD_GRAPH TERRAIN_NO_LABELS VECTOR_TRANSIT INDOOR LABELS_ONLY Different types of map styles can be requested and presumably displayed.​LAYER_UNDEFINED LAYER_BOUNDARIES LAYER_BUILDINGS LAYER_LANDMASS LAYER_LANDUSE LAYER_PLACES LAYER_POIS LAYER_ROADS LAYER_TRANSIT LAYER_WATER LAYER_DEBUG_TILE_BOUNDARIES Several different layers to be toggled, just like a map app.​KIND_UNDEFINED KIND_BASIN KIND_CANAL KIND_CEMETERY KIND_CINEMA KIND_COLLEGE KIND_COMMERCIAL KIND_COMMON KIND_DAM KIND_DITCH KIND_DOCK KIND_DRAIN KIND_FARM KIND_FARMLAND KIND_FARMYARD KIND_FOOTWAY KIND_FOREST KIND_GARDEN KIND_GLACIER KIND_GOLF_COURSE KIND_GRASS KIND_HIGHWAY KIND_HOSPITAL KIND_HOTEL KIND_INDUSTRIAL KIND_LAKE KIND_LAND KIND_LIBRARY KIND_MAJOR_ROAD KIND_MEADOW KIND_MINOR_ROAD KIND_NATURE_RESERVE KIND_OCEAN KIND_PARK KIND_PARKING KIND_PATH KIND_PEDESTRIAN KIND_PITCH KIND_PLACE_OF_WORSHIP KIND_PLAYA KIND_PLAYGROUND KIND_QUARRY KIND_RAILWAY KIND_RECREATION_AREA KIND_RESERVOIR KIND_ KIND_RETAIL KIND_RIVER KIND_RIVERBANK KIND_RUNWAY KIND_SCHOOL KIND_SPORTS_CENTER KIND_STADIUM KIND_STREAM KIND_TAXIWAY KIND_THEATRE KIND_UNIVERSITY KIND_URBAN_AREA KIND_WATER KIND_WETLAND KIND_WOOD KIND_DEBUG_TILE_OUTLINE KIND_DEBUG_TILE_SURFACE KIND_OTHER Meta information regarding what type of object the map is pulling. Could be useful to know/combine with POIs.​PRIORITY_NONE PRIORITY_TERMINAL PRIORITY_LOCAL PRIORITY_MINOR_ARTERIAL PRIORITY_MAJOR_ARTERIAL PRIORITY_SECONDARY_ROAD PRIORITY_PRIMARY_HIGHWAY PRIORITY_LIMITED_ACCESS PRIORITY_CONTROLLED_ACCESS PRIORITY_NON_TRAFFIC There also appears to be priority levels for roads. Perhaps for a direction based system?​ROAD BUILDING LINE_MESH And then finally specifically requesting roads vs buildings (probably for display purposes).​We aren't sure where this will show up (if at all) in Pokemon GO, but it seems to be a fairly robust system they have designed.​AR Updatesadd_AnyPeerStateReceived remove_AnyPeerStateReceived add_AnyPeerPoseReceived remove_AnyPeerPoseReceived add_AnyPeerStateReceivedSilently remove_AnyPeerStateReceivedSilently add_AnyPeerPoseReceivedSilently remove_AnyPeerPoseReceivedSilently add__anyDidInitialize remove__anyDidInitialize add__anyInitializedSilently remove__anyInitializedSilently Another huge update was for shared AR experiences. This could be an addition to the shared AR game they added about a year ago, but as you can see there are fairly generic calls for adding and removing peers and syncing states (like adding a player to a game).​EditorToolSuiteMaster .get_ArSessionMediator .get_MultipeerMediator .get_ArNetworkingMediator .get_CamerasMediator .get_LocalPlayer SetLocalStage SetLocalPlayerIfNeeded Several references to local players and their place with the `ArNetwork` and their peers.​.get_ActiveProfiles profiles playerPrefab SetInspectorValues ConnectAllPlayersNetworkings arConfiguration RunAllPlayersARSessions GetPlayerWithPeer Creating player profiles and syncing them with each other.​add_NetworkObjectSpawned remove_NetworkObjectSpawned add_NetworkObjectDestroyed remove_NetworkObjectDestroyed Sharing shared network objects so all players can engage in them together.​AnyPeerDataReceived AnyInitializedSilently AnyConnectedSilently .get_JoinedSessionMetadata .set_JoinedSessionMetadata SessionIsConnected checkConnected ValidateNetworkingForEvent Session information, connection, etc.​Like the Map additions, we'll have to see if these ever pan out to anything but again looks fairly robust and flexible from what we can see.​Item Sticker InventoryITEM_STICKER_INVENTORY ITEM_TYPE_STICKER_INVENTORY Perhaps we will soon be able to view our stickers in our inventory separately?​PvPset_CombatActivityStartTime get_CombatActivityStartTime Not a lot of updates to PvP in this update, but a specific getter/setter for when the battle started. Perhaps to help keep the battle in sync with each player?​Friend UpdatesEnableModelTouchArea OnCloseButtonClicked GetBackButtonResponseBlock GetBackButtonResponse ClickNianticProfileFromController infoPanelPrefab modelTouchArea friendsDetailPagingSize FriendProfileInfoDynoScrollRect add_OnPageChangeUpdate .set_HorizontalSwipingLocked .get_SwipingFeatureEnabled .set_SwipingFeatureEnabled .get_HorizontalSwipingLocked remove_OnPageChangeUpdate As announced in the release notes, this feature needs to be enabled. But once it is, you can swipe left and right on your friend's profile instead of going back to the friends list which will be nice. From playing with it, it appears you will have to swipe from the button section as swiping right or left on the avatar section just scrolls up and down. We'll see though.Side note: Sorting by gift is broken in this update.​Gift UpdatesHandleDismissComplete CheckOnGift UpdateGiftingStatusAndButton DismissGiftWidget ShowOpenGiftConfirmationGui was changed to ShowOpenGiftGui and OpenGiftConfirmationWidget.This is probably the new gift opening screen (it's snappier and faster to get to the gift to open).​Niantic SocialReportMyNianticProfileOpen ReportFriendNianticProfileOpen ReportChangeOnlineStatusConsent ReportGenericClick Reporting functions back to the Niantic Social server.​"niantic_friend_distance_away", "Under {0} km Away" This was removed from Niantic Social. It was never announced I believe, but it's gone now haha.​"show_code_name_setting_description", "Let my Friends see my usernames from all Niantic Games." But this was added, which was announced. Mostly for Ingress players.​.get_NianticProfileCodenameOptOutEnabled .set_NianticProfileCodenameOptOutEnabled nianticProfileCodenameOptOutEnabled_ NianticProfileCodenameOptOutEnabled .set_ShowLastPlayed .set_ShowCodeName ShowCodeName showLastPlayed showCodeName GetAppLinkFromResponse GetCodeNameSettingEnabledFromResponse .get_IsCodeNameSettingEnabled .set_IsCodeNameSettingEnabled ShouldShowLastPlayed ShouldShowCodeName The code behind the above setting.​Ad FeedbackAD_FEEDBACK_COMPLAINT_REASON_INVALID AD_FEEDBACK_COMPLAINT_REASON_OFFENSIVE AD_FEEDBACK_COMPLAINT_REASON_SPAM AD_FEEDBACK_COMPLAINT_REASON_SEXUALLY_TE AD_FEEDBACK_COMPLAINT_REASON_SCAM_OR_MISLEADING AD_FEEDBACK_COMPLAINT_REASON_VIOLENCE_OR_PROHIBITED AD_FEEDBACK_COMPLAINT_REASON_POLITICAL AD_FEEDBACK_NOT_INTERESTED_REASON_INVALID AD_FEEDBACK_NOT_INTERESTED_REASON_NOT_RELEVANT AD_FEEDBACK_NOT_INTERESTED_REASON_SEEN_TOO_OFTEN AD_FEEDBACK_LIKE_REASON_INVALID AD_FEEDBACK_LIKE_REASON_CATEGORY AD_FEEDBACK_LIKE_REASON_SEE_MORE AD_FEEDBACK_LIKE_REASON_MORE_SPONSORED_GIFTS AD_FEEDBACK_LIKE_REASON_OTHER ComplaintReason NotInterestedReason LikeReason You soon will be able to report on if you liked seeing an ad, and more specifically what you liked or didn't like about it.​Advanced SettingsadvancedSettingsGuiPrefab ClickAdvanced .setCacheClicked Also as announced, (and as we found in the texts previously) you can clear your local game data. When I tried it, the game freezes for about 20 seconds then reboots. Local assets still appeared to be downloaded on the phone but the Game Master was re-downloaded and all my settings were reset so not sure the full scope of this feature yet. Will require more testing.​MiscNew fields added for Mon Storage (a lot of existing stuff like Best Buddy Icon) - perhaps it is for the new search/filter menuScrolling updates to how the Mon Storage tab scrolls (in my personal experience it's more snappy/harder to scroll now when a filter is applied)A lot of code was added to handle clipping planes to ensure Pokemon aren't extending passed their bounding box - perhaps Megas are going to be large?Some camera settings were added for blank and map - unclear what these are but could be related to the plane clipping (or their new Map Library)​-PokeMiners via /r/TheSilphRoad
"PokeMiners' In-Depth APK Teardown of 0.185.0 - Megas have been added!" "PokeMiners' In-Depth APK Teardown of 0.185.0 - Megas have been added!" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 16:35 Rating: 5

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