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"How Team Rocket Saved My Life"

DISCLAIMER- This is gonna be abit of a long read and have some rambling parts to it. In addition, while I will avoid using critical words, there will be one or two sentences that could be potentially classified as a "trigger" so be weary. Finally this is merely from the heart and I just felt like expressing to random strangers online.To say that my childhood was terrible would be the biggest understatement of the year. I was in a horrible mid school, endured alot of psychological bullying, and at the time my parents were still in the divorcing phase and if you prefer one parent over the other its never easy especially at such a young age. Around this time I was beyond confused over my future and who I was in general as a human being. I didn't really have any friends, my mother was a hopeless abusive alcoholic, and as far as my grandparents they were nowhere to be seen. I just went to school, did my work, came home, ate, and slept. The only person that gave me an inkling of life was my Father. This man even today is a King to me, hes kind, loyal, compassionate, and is probably one of the rare cases of the father being the superior parent to the mother. To say that he means the universe to me would be selling him short.Its March 22, 2007 3:35 PM. I'm on my way home from school and at this point I had enough. The stress was through the roof and my life was at a complete stand still. My own mother telling me how I will amount to nothing without her and throwing a blade at my head before going to school was the nail in my soon to be coffin. I should point out real quick that I was big into Pokémon but never saw the show. However my Father was huge into it and wanted me to watch him play the games and watch the show with him so keep this in mind. I was alone in my room, just sitting in the corner with the lights off and the bottle of capsules ready to move on. Just then my dad calmly came into the room with a VHS tape that said "Salon Rouqet" on the front cover. He smiled at me and said "Lets go one more round for old times sake." He popped the tape in and we watched Pokémon for about 2 hours. The tape had many episodes on it but the standout one was the episode that was focused on Fashion which ironically was the last episode.Watching the show for the first time my eyes were immediately drawn to Team Rocket. They were just the funniest thing to me and their voice acting was addictive especially James ❤ so already I was getting a massive mood booster, my dad sitting by me in the corner his arms around me laughing at the hilarity on the screen, it was a fun time. But finally it came, "Pokémon Fashion Flash." The episode that would not only change me as a human being but change my entire life. It starts off simple enough, Ash and Co. Are in this big city and its got a massive emphasis on fashion and Vulpix. So obviously hijinks ensue and we get to the climactic conflict between our heroes and Team Rocket. James sets the stage "literally" and out they came...Jessie: To protect the world from boring fashion! 👔 James: To dress all people with flash and passion!🥻 Jessie: To give all Pokémon pretty faces!💄 James: To extend our art to outer spaces!🌌 Jessie: Jessie!💋 James: James!🌹 Jessie: Salon Roquet! When it comes to chic, we know what's right🎖!James: Surrender your taste or prepare to fight! 🥊And just like that, I went from a dead man to a histerical clown but in a good way. I laughed so hard seeing that scene for the first time, and not only was i laughing i was also crying. My dad started laughing with me and he just hugged me and we finished the episode. The scene may not seem like much to some but to me it was a revelation. So much life, so much love was put into that scene. James being in a beautiful dress, Jesse downing a handsome knights attire, its as if my closet doors were bashed wide open by my Father and he dragged me out laughing all the way with Team Rocket providing the battering ram. For the first time in a long time, I was happy.The episode ends and im still shedding happy tears. My dad took the bottle away from me and gave me a suitcase. I asked him if we were going on a trip and he just smiled and said "just pack everything you can" and he left me with a piece of paper. This paper was an legal one, the courts giving my dad all legal rights of me. In summary I no longer had to live with my abusive mother anymore! Since that moment forward, my life has been positive ever since. I went to a much better school the next state over, got my high school degree, went to college, and now im currently 25 years old living with the man of my dreams. I thank my Father for all that he's done for me, but also I thank Team Rocket. Whenever I see them I'm immediately reminded of that day and how it was the biggest tide turner of my life. Now im a die hard Pokémon fanatic, and I can't imagine my life without it now. via /r/pokemon
"How Team Rocket Saved My Life" "How Team Rocket Saved My Life" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 18:33 Rating: 5

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