"I was bored and created a Pokémon rival"

So I started playing Pokémon platinum for the first time a weak ago and I thought about how Barry was a really good friend rival, as he actually feels like a childhood friend(and I liked how other people in the starting town call you by name so it doesn't feel like you only had one friend your entire life). This got me thinking one day, what if I made a unique rival.(The tldr, friend rival turns into jerk rival turns into evil rival)His name is Dylan and is 10 years old, just like the main character. He starts off being friendly and even lets you pick your Pokémon first. He doesn't battle you as soon as you get your Pokémon because he wants to get to know them better. Instead, the professor shows you how to battle by bringing you to the tall grass and you right a wild level 5 Pikachu with tackle and tail whip.Later on, you end up battling Dylan. His starter is level 10 and they have return with a base power of 60. If you lose this battle, he says you don't have to give him any money.You then walk up to the first gym and you see Dylan walking out of the gym. He tells you that he won the badge and wishes you good luckYou beat the gym leader and 3 grunts of the evil team(I'll talk more about them if I decide to write an entire Pokémon plot). Dylan helps fight with you and the battle is a 3v2, but you both end up winningAs you move into the next town, Dylan tells you that he was given an egg by a strange man and the person who gave him the egg had blue hair and a scar on his face. Dylan also says that he will battle you when the egg hatchesYou then beat the 2nd gym and Dylan challenges you to a battle. The Pokémon he has are: the 2nd form of his starter(has a return power of 80), an early route bug and the Pokémon he got from the egg. The Pokémon is the first(out of 3) form of the 'villain' legendary of the opposite game. It has a base stat total slightly higher than a 2nd form starter. The battle is hard and a battle you are suppose to loseIf you win, he tells you well done but mutters under his breath "I should have won that battle" and walks offIf you lose, they smirk and say "oh well, maybe when your Pokémon are stronger we can battle again"(The Pokédex entry of the first form legendary is 'if the owner of this Pokémon is not careful, their mind will be slowly corrupted by This Pokémon's dark energy')You dont encounter Dylan again until the 4th gym. When you do encounter him, Dylan challenges you to a battle. His team is: the legendary (which is still it's first form, but it's 5 levels higher than the rest of his team), a fully evolves starter(max return power), a rotom(either water, grass or fire. Depending on the starter you chose)If you lose, nothing happens and you have to redo the right. He does take money thoughWhen you win, Dylan says "oh.. you beat me..." And then walks off.You then meet a man with blue hair and a scar on his face. The evil leader offers you an egg. If you say no, he says "really? The Pokémon inside Is really strong. Come talk to me if you change your mind." If you say yes, he hands you the egg but the egg breaks. The Pokémon that comes out of the egg is the same Pokémon Dylan has and it flies away. The man says "... This could be a problem" and walks awayYou fight the next gym. The gym leader congratulates you and says she might of won if her sylveon called 'Pix' wasn't stolenA couple of routes later, you see Dylan insulting his Pokémon for losing the gym. If you talk to him, it starts a battle. He has: the legendary (it's the second stage and has a bst of 570. It is also 10 levels higher then the rest of his team.) his starter (return power of 80), rotom, houndoom(sharpedo of Iif starter chose grass type starter) and a sylveon called 'Pix'.If you lose, you give him money but then Dylan says "what? That's it?" And takes half of your current cashIf you win, he doesn't give you any money. They run away but accidentally leaves Pix behind. You return it to the gym leader.You walk outside the gym and a random person challenges you to a Pokémon battle. They have the first form legendary pokemon that Dylan has, a houndoom and a mimikyu. You win and you see the Pokémon fly to the top of a mountainYou go to the final gym and see Dylan walk out of it. They don't say a word to you. Once you go inside the gym, you see the gym leader is unconscious. You ask what happend and they tell you a boy walked in here and his Pokémon blasted her with a laser. She says that she heard the boy taking about going to a mountain to 'get revenge'.You go to the mountain and Dylan challenges you to a pokemon battle. He sends out his starter first (has max power frustration), rotom, mimikyu, houndoom/sharpedo and a metagross. Their starter refuses to obey Dylan after 2 turns.Once you beat Dylan, he says "this isn't over, I still have the strongest Pokémon". Dylan's legendary pokemon appears in its final form. It has a base stat total of 700 (200 special attack, 120 for defense, special defense and hp, 100 speed and 40 attack. You have to fight this monster with your weakened team.Suddenly, the cover legendary appears. It has a bst of 720(200 attack, 120 for defense, special defense and hp, 120 speed and 40 special attack). And asks you to battle with it. You use it and beat Dylan. the legendary pokemon vanishes and this causes Dylan to pass out.You tell the professor and Dylan is taken to the lab. The professor tells you that Dylan is alright but he doesn't remember anything what happened after the egg hatchesYou defeat the evil team, win the last badge, beat the elite 4 ect, ect and the game ends with the final scene being you playing a video game with Dylan.Ok so when I first was creating this the original idea was going to be as the game progresses, Dylan becomes more egotistical and later becomes a jerk but then I thought "what if he's hypnotized by a Pokémon?"This took 2 hours to write so I hope you enjoyed it via /r/pokemon https://ift.tt/33qey3H
"I was bored and created a Pokémon rival"
Reviewed by The Pokémonger
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